Do you mean 19? Or so you mean they'll cut him so hard he'll feel it in June of last year? Either would make sense, just clarifying
Do you mean 19? Or so you mean they'll cut him so hard he'll feel it in June of last year? Either would make sense, just clarifying
This does seem pretty obvious, or at least it should be
I was about to call this out as a real “old man yells at cloud” complaint. Then I remembered how viscerally angry I become whenever some slapdick football announcer describes a chaotic pile of bodies as a “scrum.”
I mostly agree with you but ultimately couldn’t vote for him simply because doing so implies that I consider that slapdick to be an “athlete”
The “60% greater chance” figure fits with the study’s overall findings of 3.0 per 100 (for all sports, not just contact) vs. 4.7 for phys ed. Do they specify which sports they deem as “contact sports”? Or are they just taking some artistic license as to the wording of the study overall?
A minor, but important, correction:
Who gives a fuck, there are movie theaters everywh—
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BINGO. He already knew what he was going to do. He just wanted to feel like less of a dick about it.
don’t gimme that OLE’ bullshit
In fairness to Mac, their relationship could have been a real home run
The answer to your question: Yes.
At least that’s the only thing he tried to put the D in that evening
Just how does someone “look the part” of being a racist
How’d you get ahold of that black and white photo of Tom Brady at the top of this post?
Not to mention the free food, shelter, and work experience.
There’s also the element of knowing you’re going to die, probably of thirst, while you are literally surrounded by water, all of which would accelerate the inevitable process of your demise if you were to consume it. It’s like the ocean is taunting you while it’s killing you.
Now this is a take I can get behind.