Nathan Explosion

Duly noted. I’ll have to check this MingHin joint out. My last couple trips down there have been hot pot centric, so I’m long overdue for some dimsum.

For Chinatown dimsum, Phoenix has never done me wrong. I particularly enjoyed it when a couple dragon dancers came in for Chinese new year and the accompanying drummer set up riiiiiiiight next to the most hung over guy in the group. But that was unrelated to the food. They make a mean soup dumpling though.

The “should” part reads as being less impactful than the part outlining punishments for not doing what you “should” be doing. But! The interesting part to me is that part starts by only specifying that “failure to be on the field” will result in discipline...but then tacks on “for violations of the above” at the

I think I feel a slight itch

Get Schwifty merely “good enough”??

He is definitely linking arms because he is unable to remain upright under his own power.

He is definitely linking arms because he is unable to remain upright under his own power.

“My Dad Wrote a Porno.”


Shortly before I started at Elon University, the mascot was only regret in attending that school was that I never got to be a Fighting Christian. What a fearsome visage.

Me too. And I know there are mixed opinions but I dig the white gloves.

Well said. And yet I think I just heard said mouth-breathing Texans’ heads exploding with rage all the way from Chicago

Need any partners? I have a roadmap:


+1 buddy who died face-down in the muck so you and I could enjoy this national pastime

Give me three examples of King valuing football over optics. YOU CAN’T.

Now playing

Agreed. Still my favorite ever “idiot on the field” video:

+1 appropriate username

100% agree. Leslie was INSUFFERABLE in the early few episodes. Then all those annoying idiosyncrasies of hers became less obnoxious and more endearing and it kind of clicked. That and taking Ron Swanson out of a suit. I mean, come on.