If you were disappointed by the “revelation” that Phelps was not going to be in the same pool as a motherfucking SHARK for the purposes of a Discovery channel special, you deserve to be disappointed (and maybe also sterilized)
If you were disappointed by the “revelation” that Phelps was not going to be in the same pool as a motherfucking SHARK for the purposes of a Discovery channel special, you deserve to be disappointed (and maybe also sterilized)
Congratulations on finding the only conceivable way to make this beer-spilling, child-disappointing, failure of a human potentially look like even more of a dipshit
Right?? What’s the kid bitching about? He should be grateful that pops didn’t immediately try to wring $3 worth of bud light out of his socks
Batter probably thought he was Goins to die though
I don’t think you can. I think it’s dead.
<horse whinnies in background>
Because nothing makes a vehicle move from where it is faster than rendering it immobile! Job well done.
More of a Phoenix guy myself, but you really can’t go wrong with any Chinatown dimsum. The hot pot places down there are fantastic too
The sequel has been canceled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.
Probably just to piss you off! It was a happy accident on my part though.
I lost all faith in Wagner’s taeks when she refused to even rank rope-less rock climbing over tennis, citing a grown man bursting into tears as a result of a blister (oh and probably mental anguish that comes along with getting your ass kicked by the GOAT, but that should be expected). Oh, I’m sorry, if you get a…
The best hitters in the game fail 7 out of 10 times. It’s a mental battle to stay out of your own head and convince yourself you’re gonna get on base every time, while simultaneously being able to tweak things that might be going wrong with your swing. And there is little more lonely and mind-fucking than being a…
I’d put goalies on a similar plane as MLB pitchers, although probably a step up in grueling-ness. But yes, a GLARING omission from a list fraught with unfortunate taeks
frankly it shocks me that anyone could feel otherwise
Hey, I’m sure it was an honest mistake; let’s not overreact and throw a mazel tov cocktail into the Fox News offices or anything like that.
EXACTLY...the biggest counter-argument I hear is “dude he can break McGregor in half”....oh yeah? Just like that? One of them is just gonna stand there and let him do it? The other one won’t take out his knees with a couple well placed kicks or choke him out? Cool
Ok, I need this debate settled. Two Conor McGregors are in a bare-knuckle street fight to the death with the guy who plays the Mountain on Game of Thrones (NOT the character, mind you; the actor). Who wins, bearing in mind that even if only one McGregor survives but Hafþór does not, that’s a W for the Conors?
I agree that it’s an exhibition and doesn’t matter and ties are fine. On the other hand, ties give me sports-blueballs and many just prefer to come to a more satisfying conclusion. I’d argue for a rule that there are no ties allowed, but if it goes to extras (or too far into extras - say, the 11th or something),…
This is the only correct take.