Nathan Explosion

I do understand their wanting to insulate themselves from is a highly charged issue

Yeahhhh that got me too. Almost dry heaved a little

And there’s NO explanation for why Spacey all of a sudden stops limping.

I tend to agree with you...when “the decision” happened I thought he was a front-runner for world’s biggest shitbag, not for leaving but for the manner in which he did so. Now, though, it seems more like that whole thing was a symptom of a wunderkind-turned-famous-millionaire who had been surrounded by yes-men since

Too soon, man...too soon

To be fair, Blackhawks fans couldn’t even name any Blackhawks before about 2007. Baby steps.

Double or nothing he eats it

It’s like if you went to a doctor with a broken arm and the doctor just said “ALL bones matter” and made you leave without treatment

We went from “racism exists, but only because people let it exist” to “I’m done with this topic, we need to stop talking about the race element” in record time...that’s some impressive logical disconnect right there.

Sincere question: what’s your beef with the name and logo? I mean, it’s clear to see why someone might not appreciate those mustard-hued abortions they call sweaters, but the logo, while kind of in lock-step with the sleek, futuristic, cartoonish animal/humanoid profiles that were all the rage across professional

Can’t you just leave the man alone to look for his lost shaker of salt?


How’s that saying go....if you wake up and meet an asshole, maybe you just met an asshole, but if you meet assholes all day, and then log in to sports blogs to make shitty comments that literally everyone else in the thread disagrees with and you feel the need to respond to each and every one, maybe you should shut

This would be the rare instance where “Getting hit by a car” would come in at #1 on the list

Pardon My Take is fantastic. Reading the rest of that site makes me feel, depending on the particular article, somewhere along the spectrum of “I should probably go take a shower” to “I am now an accessory to date-rape.” It’s like if buzzfeed got shitfaced and started trying to sext all of its ex-hookups, only to

You clearly don’t watch Supernatural; those vampires almost uniformly fall into a different category from the ones you’ve put forth, colloquially known as “totally into doing a murder and by ‘a murder’ I mean ‘all of the murders.’”

+1 for responding to each individual who pointed out your error

+1 seat, right over there.

It’s “alternative” English.