Nathan Explosion

This might be the worst taek of this entire debate

Can someone in NY do me a favor and staple a copy of this handy PSA to that turd’s forehead?

Given the level of support from most of the replies to last night’s twitter-tantrum, I have to assume most of those are hate-follows

<reads blog post>

Everyone knows you run the risk of being punished when you mouth off to a referee

Eh, the comment had more to do with ALL of them sucking, including the one most touted (at least in the U.S.) as the best of all (even though, yes, technically it’s a republic, but it’s more about the sentiment than the minutia)

I believe it was Churchill that once said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others

what an idiot, ratings result in more money, it’s the same thing smdh

Generally, yes...but Schilling’s tweeting has been DS HOF-worthy. Truly transcendent stuff.

To be clear, are you alluding to nominating Adam or Drake?

We will also need an accurate count of how many seconds of action were involved

We all know the moon is not made of cheese. But what if the moon was made of barbecue spare ribs. Would you eat it?

Reading her statement made my heart break. Reading his statement made my blood boil. Seeing his mug shot now makes my skin crawl.


How are horseflies not worse than houseflies?? Horseflies bite/drink blood/are fucking assholes.

Deadspin always posts sports scores the night of/morning after. If one doesn’t want to see them, it behooves one to avoid Deadspin.

This is an excellent point. Then again, we also live in an age where people are legally allowed to order a steak cooked at any temperature above medium (I also personally find medium to be borderline offensive but would not necessarily advocate for its illegality)

Maybe we could ease the transition by encouraging consumption of soft shell crabs (which are generally fried in leggy, whole-crab form if ordered in a hand roll, and also are god damn delicious)

I’m sure they just relished the opportunity to be out on the field. Really should have moved their buns though.