Nathan Explosion

Twat shot

Meanwhile, Master P told TMZ all of this could have been avoided if Kobe Bryant had pulled some strings to get Odom back on the team.

But what if Odom really really really wanted to be on the team? Like really super badly? THEN could he be on the Lakers, even though he sucks at basketball now? And if so, please send me any contact info you have for Kobe and/or the Lakers’ front office, because I, too, really really really want to be a pro athlete.

Also heartening: that someone finally shot something in goddamn landscape mode.

How is it more arbitrary for the rule to simply be ON BASE = SAFE, OFF BASE = OUT?

Did Rom Romberts have a stroke? And also decide to stop being funny?

You realize there’s a WYTS for EVERY NFL team (all of which include blind hate), right? I mean, clearly the site is not a fan of the Cardinals, but let’s not grasp for straws here. And what DOESN’T help is the influx of Cardinals fans streaming into the comments sections bitching about how Deadspin hates the

Once you learn to decipher it, Singlish is an utter delight

That would be what is known in the legal world as a 50-state survey, and they are entirely too time-consuming and soul-sucking, both to compile and to read.

Are you trying to say that their jobs are not, in fact, their credit?

Ah, Jesus. I like him very much

But what if he moonlights as a Redskins wideout?

It’s like trying to get a glimpse of the Cloverfield monster.

And thank god my alma mater, Elon, changed its nickname from the “Fighting Christians”*....I was feeling so very oppressed

People can have opinions about writing, man.

Try this link, should clear some stuff up:

“Statistics?? This ain’t math class, this is FOOTBAW. TAKE A LAP, NERD.”