Yuppie Scum

The very idea of dairy skeeves me the heck out. You're drinking a fluid produced by another animal, created for the biological purpose of nurturing that other animal's young.

Everything on this list is ridiculous. Focusing on just one thing in my comment, though.

yeah, that's the one. good call. I was too lazy to do a cursory google search.

There are a lot of bars in the Castro that show gay porn exclusively, so, that might float your boat. I forget what one it was, but it's above a GNC store near the market/ castro intersection.

Or Sonic for some guys, amirite?

Another time, instead of a tip, they left me a little card with a picture of boy smelling a flower and the words "Isn't it nice that Jesus loves you?" on it. Jesus doesn't pay my fucking rent, lady.

Oh... Those were, uh, initially filled below sea level.

You mean allowing people to implement a work/ life balance to their personal preferences helps people be more productive during the work part? Mystifying. /s

Everyone that I've ever met from AXO is someone that conceivably could have sent this email.

I looked forward for a long time to finding out who my true romance would be in Dragon Age: Inquisition. But as I kept playing I found myself waiting longer and longer for the Right Person to arrive. I eventually learned that Cassandra and Josephine are the only romance-able straight females in the game. They're both

Not impressed until he does the water temple

HUDs are brilliant. They put the most pertinent information (speed, directions, shift lights, etc.) in the best possible spot, where you don't have to take your eyes off the road. I hope every car eventually has this standard.

So you're basically recreating an IGU. Interesting


I'm an aerospace engineer and medical doctor, and can say this is 150% true.

You beat me to it. +1 sir.

I'd want to spray something on my hands to make them super conductive or super resistive (whatever this thing measures) and then take this test, and make that needle spin off the fucking charts, and then be all "I AM YOUR CHOSEN ONE AS THE PROPHECIES HAVE FORETOLD"

There are a series of resistors with known resistances. The bridge allows you to easily solve for the the unknown electrical resistance that one introduces into the system- in this case, by touching the paddles.
