Yuppie Scum

+1. Bought premium steaks from a local butcher last year for Christmas. I'm not the greatest chef, but can work a grill fairly decently- these were on par with anything that I've had at Capital Grille, Ruths Chris, the Palm, etc.- and half the price.

If it's for a Sony system, it needs to be on Betamax.

I agree, it's almost like something unnatural are preventing her lungs from expanding fully.

Commence the Feats of Strength!

Props for including spelling as a criterion.

Now playing

Metallica recently performed one that wasn't totally terrible


I like how there's binoculars in almost every picture of these clowns.

Borderline Everquest graphics there... and raid duration.

Hey, a dick joke- that's pretty clever!

More like a chickenshit golfer

Can't you hear me yell-a?

Are you suggesting we take it to a point where it could be none more black?

shoulder fat, my friend.

and a comedian!


X-Cross, as if there were any other option.

Razzle Dazzle!