Yuppie Scum

I'm an architect and structural engineer in a major US city. LEED is total crap. It's a good idea, but some of the points are weighted so bizarrely that it can sometimes become more environmentally taxing if a client is set on chasing difficult points for platinum vs. gold.

Hey, no posting actual thoughts for discussion here. Sarcastically rearrange a title/ quote, +1, or bust.

This fell because they a) didn't fill the caissons with concrete (a good way to get around the 28-day cure, for sure) and b) excavated one side of the building and stored the soil on another, causing a huge surcharge load.

With the 360 count:

To my very educated eye, it is poorly constructed. They are omitting a large number of steps from the video and their "360 hour" count as well.

Very true. Which is why I am baffled why this is getting any attention.

I didn't look closely enough- that could be the case, but they would then be prestressed concrete piles (not caissons) and would still require cast in place pile caps. They aren't showing something/ not including it in their 360 hour count.

I'm betting that they aren't including shop fabrication time in this quote.

The main idea of my post was that there are things that people shouldn't see. This being one of them.

Did you even read my post? Your argument is a bit of a non sequitur.

This isn't exactly news. The government has been censoring sensitive academic and professional research for a long time. Requiring that some portions of a paper be published separately for those with proper security clearance is nothing new. I don't understand the sudden uproar.

Slow day in tech news today, eh?

Ha ha! Doomed to be stuck in the middle class

Sadly, that's exactly what this is.

Look at all that North Face

Actually, he's been frozen in that position since 2002.

I hate the Drake

Good thing that PSU fans have no history of violence or following a mob mentality

No, he just threw a lot of interceptions.

There are probably legality issues around an institution firing a supposed whistleblower