Yuppie Scum

It's like a cult. It's sickening- I had to spend 5.5 years there for my engineering undergraduate and professional masters.

As long as we are trying to ruin a school, can we verify who is paying for these scumbag's legal fees?

I presented my masters thesis in this room- glad to see the tradition of beating around the bush continues in my absence.

I hate that this whole mess could be my "I told you so!" moment that reveals that PSU is the corrupt, old boys club institution that I have been saying it is since my attendance. I am pretty fun at alumni get-togethers, as you can imagine.

I have some friends that know the higher ups in the crocs company. Apparently, nurses were their target audience- standing for long hours, likely to get stuff on them that needed to be washed off. From what I heard, they were a bit surprised that it took off as a fashion thing but decided to go with it anyway.

Steel loses a vast majority of its strength when heated to (relatively) low temperatures. Say 800 Degrees will cause it to lose half. So when the fireproofing is knocked off by something like a large airplane and jet fuel is burning, the steel will begin to become less stiff and will lose load bearing capacity.

You are absurdly ignorant. It has nothing to do with stirring up drama, it has everything to do with the incorrect infrastructure being in place in the east coast to mitigate earthquakes.

Please, stop thinking so hard. You'll hurt yourself.

Missing a key part about the crocs: instantly washable in the event of bodily fluids landing on them.

No- solar. Burn this hideous thing down

This looks like it would be pretty simple structurally- it is more or less the same cross-sectional frame repeated over and over. Waterproofing would be similarly redundant.

"... construction will begin imminently. The foundation plans are now complete and 'the piling for the tower is currently being tendered'"

My mistake- I didn't realize this was a cross-post.

And in case you weren't sure, the longer post is in the featured post of this thread.

Shes a witch! BURN HER.

I was replying to your general ignorance in the comment section of this article, your unfounded ivory tower vitriol towards engineers in an effort to "save the poor uneducated worker," and complete lack of industry knowledge.

You need to read my longer response in the comment above and stop implying that union skilled tradesmen are mindless drones that are being pushed around by an engineer. It is very offensive to tradesmen and engineers alike, and it is very clear that you aren't familiar with the architectural design/construction

And you know that he followed the directions perfectly?

And Giggity clearly doesn't know how the industry works. I'm betting he's never seen a construction specification in his life, let alone construction drawings.
