
Really? There's always a smaller more crappy model in most line ups. This is not news.

Agreed. Didn't Microsoft get sued by multiple governments for lack of choice? Hmmmm.....

Agree 100%.

Dell in the past received a LOT of bashing for hardware design. Mostly deserved too. But, they did listen and today make some of the best hardware that I've worked with ever. Yet, so many still continue to bash with no reason. The one's that crack me up are the types that buy a $500 Dell and expect it to work like

I'd vote for Reagan in a heartbeat. At least he know how to work with ALL politicians.

Stories like these always seem to come out just before an Apple release. Seems to me that Apply may be trying to spin the release up a little to draw more news attention. It's as if Apple asked Sharp to report a problem, and if there was one or not I bet there's no shortage anyway. Dang Apple's good at marketing,

Consumers being dumb, smart, indifferent... All that doesn't matter. What matters is whether Samsung used marketing and design to lure people away. Oh wait, that's legal. It's called free enterprise. I guess none of it matters at all, except the money, and Apple's not making nearly as much as they think they

I read the title and laugh so hard, milk shot out my nose!

I for one truly miss 16:10 computer displays. Why did those have to go away? Computer screen real-estate is much more enjoyable at that ratio than they are at 16:9. Especially in games and in video editing. 16:9 screen feel so much smaller and less useful. Sure 16:9 on a TV is great, but on a computer it's like

I couldn't agree more. After many disappointing runs with nVidia hardware, mostly in midrange, but others too, I've found ATI based hardware to be much more of a good investment. Plus, I've found ATI hardware to also be much easier to use and operate. nVidia can have their slight advantage (slight, because if you

Windows 8 will change that. Both on the tablet AND the phone...

I guess I'm lucky, the Best Buy near me usually has good service. Not great, but at least they aren't rude and dumb like this video shows. There still could be a little more desire to help customers, but they usually do ask rather than me needing to bug them.

Only way to be 99.9% safe is to disconnect. No cell, no internet, no analog, no nothing. And, no that's still not 100%. Pardon me while I go readjust my tin foil hat for the new attack... ;)

Next thing you know, they'll tell us what we know about Pluto is wrong. Wait, what?!?!?

Nope! I love Windows 8! Though the desktop issue will be a bump for me to get over...

This review ignores a lot about Windows 8. You can still multitask even with multiple apps on the screen as you do in any older Windows version. And in the new UI, you can look at least two apps at the same time. But, even in tablets from Google and Apple, this type of Multitasking has gone away. Windows 8 does it

I've already seen a lot of Start Menu replacements for Windows 8. So you can still get all the good from the new Windows will maintaining a very close look and feel...

Very good observation. Mr. Wagner missed a lot in this article, including Office 2013 beta being publicly available.

Oh, and I'm sure Mr. Wagner seemed to forget that Office 2013 is available as a public beta, just like Windows 8. Why didn't you download and install that to write this article? Sad to see a half blown article on Gizmodo....

Keep in mind folks that this is one man's opinion. I found it very close to mine, but have been surprised at the varying opinions across the board for Windows 8. Many of them much better than mine or Mr. Wagner's.