
youre pointing out something he already acknowledged. except his math is not wrong.

Did you just troll one of the foremost scientific minds of our generation?

assuming a coefficient of fricion of 1.0 dummy read the entire article.

All of which have a Coefficient of Friction greater than 1.

The world needs more people like him.

The de Grasse Tyson has spoken. Thus endeth the lesson.

Shhhh.... if you tell them their crazy, they might take off the tin foil hats, then what will we watch on youtube?

It doesn't matter, people just like to throw shit-fits over this stuff. Unless you're someone who clearly has a lot of money (think CEO-level), nobody is ever going to target you using this.

I'm confused as to why this matters. If someone were to access that list from my device, they'd see that I've been home and to work recently. I may have accessed my local grocery store's network as well. In short, this major security breech would show them I access wifi the same places everyone else does. Unless it

I don't see any reason why a car couldn't simply have all three built in and work with any smartphone.

I think this is pretty cool. The major downside, I think, is that with 2 or 3 competing systems on the market, car manufacturers will be forced to side with one company or another (as I'm guessing there will be exclusivity contracts involved)...what happens if you're a devoted Android user, and you love Toyotas, but

I agree with the video expert.

As a video expert, I can assure the author that not one person in a hundred can see the difference between 30 fps and 60. If the author is seeing anything different, he's seeing the better clarity from the larger resolution, but what he's missing is that this massively increases the file size, so people with slow

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It work similar to industrial style peelers.

Everyone should get the new Nest Smoke Alarm.

My issue is power. I have a nest thermo (gen1) and you'd have to pry it out of my cold dead fingers. However I don't have the common wire and I find myself having to plug Nest into my computer miniusb port to charge it about once a month. It's irksome and I suppose I could pay an electrician to come out to run a

I think I'd be too tempted to just start random house fires to see it in action!

Is Apple trying to tell us that there are actually 14 degrees of Kevin Bacon???

Awesome, iphone gyros are now at the level of my old Nexus 1

The Gyro is fine, you are using gravity wrong!