
Instant Pot is not that special. Too hard to clean, fails on cooking sometimes, and really not that fast. Don’t bother.

Instant Pot is not that special. Too hard to clean, fails on cooking sometimes, and really not that fast. Don’t


I'm trying out a new tin-foil hat this week. Hopefully it'll help me get really fuckin lost.

Very unlikely you could do this. The "processor" is probably a highly specialized SOC that has about a 10th of the processing power to handle Linux in any flavor or lack thereof.


Why is everything these days "Creepy". People need to get a life and stop watching stupid movies so much.

In using the older CE based Microsoft car systems, it was much more friendly to more phone types, and other equipment. So I'd expect MS to do better than Google. Apple will likely do good too. Google seems to self involved in their own equipment to work well and play well with others.

I'd go Apple or MS, not Android. I'd expect Android to be the least in phone agnostic operation, and ownership of my car is much longer than my phone. If I switched phones, I would want the features to work seamlessly. MS and Apple seem much more concerned that occurs than Google. Plus I'm getting more and more

This just means we can now hit our ISP Data Limits faster! Data limits are anti-competitive moves by service providers to make you watch their outdated cable TV rather than on-line video.

You really think people do this? Wow, I bet you didn't know "Gullible" is not in the dictionary did you? Wow, just wow.

If you don't understand the difference between a harmless joke and bully like bashing then you need to get out of comedy. It's not your thing, really.

@banjo, well then, don't troll....


@dccorona, Lack of scalability?!?! Are you serious. You need to use a Windows Phone before you make that statement again. iOS is not scalable. WP is VERY scalable, and very usable in any scale.

Android is still a mess. WP while small in market number, still gets more good reviews than bad (if any bad at all from real users.) Per user, I'd bet Samsung get's more bad reviews than anything WP related does. Android is neat and cool and all, it's just not that great once you start using it full time unless

Basically, he was replacing everything with other pictures/graphics. Painstaking, but not that big of a deal otherwise.

I'd rather have a Dell XPS 12 Ultrabook for that price. MUCH more of a computer, plus you can still get 100% of Google on it. Though I would rather have a 16x10 screen instead of a 16x9 stupid video screen. Computers work SO much better on 16x10 screens. Human eyes can actually go both side to side (the argument

Compared to this, the Surface Pro is NOT expensive. That's not really his point though, it's that it's expensive AND not much of a computer.

Beats sells headphones just like Apple sells iPods. Crappy in sound quality by any decent standard, but thought to look cool. Sad World we live in isn't it?