
As a 40 year Type 1, this story is very interesting. Reading about BCG, there are some notable side effects, so nothing's perfect. But getting off insulin would be a great thing if the side problems are too bad.

Most folks with this type of story are used to the "old PC", which was very much a lot of work. Since Vista and Windows 7 the PC is much different, and under Windows 8 it's even easier than Apple in so many ways! I support both Apple and PC, so I'm very familiar with these types of comments. And, understand them

I would dearly love to see a similar review from Sam Biddle of Windows Phone 8 when it appears.

Weight Watchers. Nuff said.

If God had intended for us to be vegetarians, then he would have told Adam and Eve "The apple is OK to eat. The snake is off limits..." Don't you think?

OK, you've got personal issues with DJ's. Was it worth sharing?

"but the blades are spinning far too quickly to ever collect dust." Bullhockey.

You've been watching too many action movies. Go to a gun range and get a real lesson.

They can take mine if they want. :)

I'll be joining you guys in "jumping ship" when W8 and WP8 arrive. If not immediately at least before the iOS ship starts to go under (and it proably will I think, though no telling how long it will take...) Only thing I hope MS gives up is the ill conceived "points" system for purchases. If that's in the Windows

Analyst think it will be from Apple. Some predict 2016 to be when WP overtakes iOS.

Stocks have very little to do with companies any more. Aren't you paying attention?

Thank GOD it's Windows! And not a half baked OS.

I can't agree more with this article. But, I will add that in my testing of Windows 8 on a desktop setup, I just can't get into it. So, I'll be on the bandwagon for tablets this fall for Windows 8, and most likley on the phone soon after. But for desktop, they'll have to do something different to get me away from 7.

New to iPhones? In the past they used to announce them together.

Stupid to announce iOS 6 before the 5 hardware. Just plain stupid. Obvious that Steve is gone, isn't it?

You don't seem to understand what "line-skipped" is. This feature is a good one, in that they don't crowd in each line on the APS-C sensor using a smaller section in the center. Instead they use the whole sensor to get better color and light. Rather using every other line on the overly larger sensor to get the

Wow, all the jaded opinion and very little worth reading. Bummer.

It's so easy to understand what's happening to Apple. Apple had attention to detail, or so it seemed, when their computers really didn't do that much. They were simple devices. Just like the iPhone 1 was a rather simple device compared to today's smartphones. No multitasking, no Siri, no books, lots of features