That’s a great observation, especially considering that DS3 features blue meter and also a hub area like Demons’ Souls does.
You truly are a hero.
“I’m Daisy” followup brew is surely forthcoming.
Double Dragon Neon got a lot of things right.
If you think that’s fun, then you should definitely try searching for Magic Eye Quake 2; it’s exactly what it sounds like it is.
Yikes! That fridge has no chill.
What if the real reward was the friends we made along the way?
It’s all the flavor of Reese’s Puffs...
It’s a GIF, but I can still hear it in my head.
It’s an expansion an existing mechanic called advancing guard, but in Infinite, if you activate it on the frame the attack hits you, blockstun is negated, and if the attack is a projectile (not a beam!) it’s reflected.
Because the anytime-tag mechanic upends the established Versus series gameplay model and allows for possibilities hitherto unseen.
This... this makes me wonder about Marina.
I know about those OVAs! They’re great! (And the OST of the second is fantastic.)
Episode Two. Phew. You know about episode two.