
This made me so happy. I remember getting Melee on its release and I've happily pissed away years just playing with mates. It is a perfect game.

pretty and white. yawn.

double fatality


Fork!? Me cant eat Soup! Arghhhhhhnehhhhhh

This is my fave comment ever.

Dont stop, just get through it and my god, I could'nt reccomend a better TV drama.

This is why you fail.

Explain. Ladies. Whats so great about Mr. Hamm? And do veggies dig him?

I'm not one for privacy/censorship that much, unless its the obvious fucked up stuff, but this seems like it could be a good thing. I am just so tired of checking out comments on youtube especially and just dying inside rather than being compelled or enlightened.

I have turned down lots of women for dates. Although being a barman does have a lot to answer for...

I cant believe I'm one of the old fuckers who played pokemon red and blue as their frist game... Granted I was only eight when my mucky paws finally got hold of that giant green screen gameboy and game that my parents could only afford with Texaco vouchers after going so many miles on the road around England. Times

The more the merrier.



Whats even weirder is that I'm a guy. A straight guy. :( I am so weird and alone.

I actually love the top right one! Cant we all just dress up as pretty animal/cosplay things from now on? Wouldnt that just be more fun? Ugh, why can't I just do whatever I want in life?

Thats it, I'm never reading pointless shit on the internet again. This one has done it for me.

I'm not calling out Brostep in anyway, by the way. I'm not a fan and neither are you so yeah, do your best, like me, to just ignore it if that is your prerogative. Have a good weekend.

Better of calling it 'Brostep', or just ignoring it completely. Dubstep has a rich history that comes from UK electronic scenes such as 2step, house, drum and bass and garage. Check out an artist like Skream and maybe this wiki article to clarify: