This made me so happy. I remember getting Melee on its release and I've happily pissed away years just playing with mates. It is a perfect game.
This made me so happy. I remember getting Melee on its release and I've happily pissed away years just playing with mates. It is a perfect game.
pretty and white. yawn.
double fatality
Fork!? Me cant eat Soup! Arghhhhhhnehhhhhh
This is my fave comment ever.
Dont stop, just get through it and my god, I could'nt reccomend a better TV drama.
This is good news. Everyone.
Pretty cool. I KNEW that the most exciting time of your life is in your 20's, so glad not to be a teenager. Girls and boys seem to be as stupid as each other, but it's disturbing to clarify that we see the world in such a way that it could basically be put like this: 'THERE IS AN OBJECT I MUST MAIM AND KILL AND PUNCH…
Kinda backs up the Humanity as a Plague idea nicely.
Oh man I had the WORST WORST trip on this stuff. I'm pretty sure it was the strongest it could possibly be in terms of synthesis; and five drags later I was spinning out worse than a cat in a tornado.
This is why you fail.
From beginning to end it was the best tv show ever. It's as simple as that. I always thought Hal was cool. Guess I got my childhood wish.
Explain. Ladies. Whats so great about Mr. Hamm? And do veggies dig him?
I'm not one for privacy/censorship that much, unless its the obvious fucked up stuff, but this seems like it could be a good thing. I am just so tired of checking out comments on youtube especially and just dying inside rather than being compelled or enlightened.
I have turned down lots of women for dates. Although being a barman does have a lot to answer for...
The Thing, The Fly, Dredd. The Thing is no.1 obviously.
Its not great.