Contrary to popular belief, that is not Dubstep.
Contrary to popular belief, that is not Dubstep.
So good!
Who gives a fuck? Let people live their lives.
ERgh, Ill pass on the twee indie soundtrack thanks.
Does it matter if it comes out in a year or ten? Personally I really dont care when, as long as it's so good that it makes Ocarina of Time look like the warm up game our childhoods deserved.
Patricia you won Kotaku! PS. You are the bestest.
If your a guy then you are definitley me. And I'm going through some kind of weird Fight Club thing again. Alone and stoned is worth the occasional, nonsensical paranoia.
I'm just ugly and shit so, I dont have much of a say in my version of celibacy.
This is why being stoned and eating junk food alone forever is the best.
Such a cop out. 'Oh no people might see Mario on the internet doing something in a game so instead I'm going to shoehorn shitty lame fitness instructors into SUPERCASUALFRIENDLYNINTENDOBARFSTHEGAME'. Nintendo I hope you Sega it.
Sounds like Carole King learned to sing in Japanese.
check some of the other inmates in this show, THE TEETH OMG THE TEETHS!
THANK YOU. For writing this.
Those were some of the best comics I've seen in a while.
I simply cannot believe that so many people are cooking their own brains over so many things to do with this, especially the '"Sample"'. Has anyone actually paid any attention to hip-hop, sample culture, post-modern culture or ANY culture that dates beyond 1980? Art isnt dead. Music isnt dead. Sampling does not make…
I think Mayer's music is designed to make me yawn uncontrollably and I cant help but picture a nice coffee table with nice store bought things on it exploding for no reason, Simpsons style. Ugh.
So much love for that comment man. <3
Same here man, good luck with your situation.