No Please, Tell Me All About Your Amazing Fantasy Team

My favorite service Yahoo ever had and one of the few things it did that stood out as unique amid all its crappy me-too services. So of course they bury it and shut it down, because that’s what these shitty large companies always do with unique services that can’t be useful to every single person on the planet.

Grown adults who make their arguments using GIFs aren’t worth arguing with. Enjoy the irony and then go enjoy the rest of your day. Let the kindergarteners go find another source of outrage—who am I kidding, they probably already have!

Say hello to the women of Gawker comments, who have no problem with an article that uses the metric system to judge their beauty potential but lose their collective shit if a man makes a joke. Don’t feed them after midnight though.

If I’m a full-time freelancer with a full plate (often two plates) of work, stop asking me what I do all day. I work, just like you — just not confined to a tiny cube that serves no purpose other than to keep up appearances.

Asking "Are Smoothies Healthy?" is like asking if a plate full of food is healthy. If you know what you're putting in the blender and you don't blindly follow recipes that call for junk thrown in, then absolutely smoothies are healthy. I use nothing but fruit and vegetables most of the time and it tastes great and has

Yes, I understand. I also understand not everyone has that separation. Some of us work for ourselves and love the entire process. Telling someone to never ever love a job no matter what, as the person above said, is nonsense advice.

Not necessarily. Certainly not in my experience.

1. I didn't stumble upon it. I knew where it was and did everything I could do to get there. I feel very fortunate, but giving so much deference to luck and "that's just life" is what often leads people down treadmills to nowhere.

We all get fucked over by things we love — jobs, relationships, life in general. You can still aspire to love it.

You call it privilege, I call it working my ass off since the day I was old enough to work in order to ensure to the best of my ability that I didn't spend every day miserable until I was old and retired.

I feel genuinely sorry for everyone stuck in a job where these rules apply. Though many people simply don't aim high enough to have a job that loves them back, so it's not all bad luck.

Sorry your job is such that you're left with that point of view. I love the work I do. It loves me back too. Maybe you need to find a different line of work if this is the mindset to bring to something you do almost daily until your hair is grey.

Same as I classify all wrestling fans: Lost.

My head hurts looking at this. I'm not clueless about the value of collaboration but I feel like people should spend less time meticulously planning all the things they have to do and just do some of it already. Every time I get roped into someone's Basecamp or some similar equivalent, all I see is a ton of stalling,

I'm rooting for the outcome that most embarrasses the NFL. So I won't be taking advice from your livejournal entry, sorry.

Looks perfect if you want your yard to look like a lush jail.

Sorry your shitty entertainment remains shitty, wrestling fans. Please enjoy one of the three billion better alternatives, including absolute nothingness, to that hilariously terrible bullshit you people pathetically call a sport.

Yeah, none of your information is up to date and correct for existing Prime members. Nice reporting as always.

Yeah, none of your information is up to date and correct for existing Prime members. Nice reporting as always.

Having experienced the joy of ditching the commute, that number may actually be on the low end.