
Nope. Salty cat food casserole. Gross.

Not touching anything else on your plate?

Jesse Williams eats his yogurt like I eat my peas.

Damn straight they should give the Rosetta Stone back. Maybe with a note like “Sorry about that time(s) we ate your ground up ancestors as medicine. That was super weird.”

Whenever I think about how Musée del’Homme displayed Saartjie Baartman’s remains I want to kill. It took 8 years for Nelson Mandela to get them to turn over all of her remains so she could be properly buried. 8 years. FFS…

To save face, how about Britain gives the diamond as a gift to Greece and the Elgin marbles as a gift to India and then Greece and India swap?

This reminds me of that thing when Kelly Clarkson wanted to buy Jane Austin’s ring and British people were all up in arms about a piece of their culture leaving the country.

Newer and bluer Meanies have been sighted in the vicinity of this theatre. There’s only one way we can go out!

I spent a year of my life working for Disney so I can promise you this, simultaneously people die on Disney property and no one dies on Disney property.

My sides reached orbit at “first generation Fat-Lesbian”. I only hope that one day, I too will be able to find someone who will stare down assholes while I dance to songs from the 70s.

Which is why I only stay in tents, hung from trees.

I agree, and I don’t even think you need the “attractive nuisance” doctrine here, because these people were invitees, not trespassers. So, the homeowner would be liable. That said, someone on another thread about this mentioned that homeowners’ policies often exclude claims when the property is being used improperly

SHOCKINGLY, amenities at hotels are inspected for safety- pools, gyms, saunas, ect. Most likely, had this been a hotel, safety standards would’ve meant that the swing wouldn’t have existed in the first place. I know, I know, logic is hard sometimes for the “any regulation is the death of everything because

Jasmine Green Tea gelato was the best thing I’d ever tasted, and then the damn place closed down.

“...tirade about how the coffee was SHIT and full of WATER and he needs a strong drink for his son to be a strong man...”


It’s central to his chosen mode of grift. Dude will NEVER break character.

Admittedly, he can make you feel a little stabby.

Dam libral mediuh smere great coloered fellah like Carson.

I stab people daily! And if elected President, I promise to keep stabbing!