
Because Pluto is Goofy’s pet, i.e. Goofy wears the pants in the family (no kidding - this is how Disney explained it). Duh.

Unless he gave his fiancee a cock ring for their engagement?

Actually, they did. There was an Asian actress who also played a European. It was about as successful as the reverse, but it was sort of the whole point of the story, the universality of humanity.

Well, why not? Apparently coffee beans eaten and shat out by wildcats are a delicacy, why not rotten phosphorescent fruit?

I was just waiting for a “Milady” at the end of that sentence. It would have been the rotten maraschino cherry on top of the moldy chocolate.

Brazil. The best movie ever made. All the stars for you:

Ummm... isn’t that the point? Two miserable useless people being sweetly miserable together while their miserable spouses did other stuff? I mean it’s not like anybody in the movie was winning any personality awards.

No kidding. Assholes come in all sizes, but at least Bill Murray performs (really really well) for his supper. Anybody ever read a biography of Charlie Chaplin? Or Paul Gaugin? or Jack Kerouac? Assholes, man. Every single one of them, right along with my dad, and a billion other assholes out there. So, Bill Murray,

OMG. I will NEVER unsee that image. Eeek.

Yup. Ditto my mom. If it’s not about her she can’t remember it.

I agree, and I’m from Florida.

Right? So like, what if you’re just from there? I escaped too (go us!), but is there a trust issue there? I don’t know!

"A few..." Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa! Right.

Finehairproblemstoo, but OUCH.

I don't know, I had a great-uncle tell me that I looked like a little boy had thrown a handful of mud at my face. *sigh* What an asshole.

Right? My teenage self (when I was truly just a giant walking freckle) would weep with happiness to see that finally freckles were cute. Of course teenage me would probably weep over the opposite as well. Teenage me wept over everything. I just hope that all my freckle fading schemes have actually left a few freckles

I know two lawyers who talk to themselves constantly. They are the most socially inept people I know, but they can hold full and detailed conversations about obtuse and arcane matters with themselves. But not with other people. They are both also brilliant, and are both superb lawyers. I honestly don’t know how those

But. But. But. Isn't the whole point of a crockpot that you plug it in and leave it? You don't need to watch it? WHY?