
Seriously. My daughter really is beautiful, but not in the traditional way little kids judge beauty, so she has been telling me that she was absolutely not pretty since she was in first grade, and citing the beauty of other little girls as proof (one little girl in her class is so classically beautiful it’s kind of

That is a very pretty lady. I find the fluffyness makes a real difference in people’s perception of beauty. Meet my pretty lady, Lily.

I threw up and more in India for three days solid, and we were out in the middle of nowhere when it started but our driver found us an amazing historic hotel that had a retired cardiologist on call. They put him up in the room next door to ours and his nurse slept on the porch next to our front door. Our driver made

“Ladies and gentlemen, this evening the part of Crazy Moose Lady, Sarah Palin, will be played by her understudy Carly Fiorina. We hope you enjoy the performance!”

PLACENTA ATTACHED? WTF does that even mean? Was the umbilical cord still coming out from between her legs? WHAT?

Well, I think that's probably more true of schools run by non-educators, who probably don't have a pedagogical background in early childhood education. That stuff can certainly be learned, but from what I've seen there's a difference in the way schools are run when headed by educators vs well meaning parents.

Because I don't have a backyard. Or a frontyard. Or a sideyard. I have a balcony.

Yeah, I'm clearly missing something from this discussion.

For sure we can’t have our political leaders wearing wigs...

Could have been worse: She could have quoted Neitzsche or Kierkegaard. That would have been disorienting.

That was a real head-scratcher, no doubt about it. WTF?

Here’s the deal: Hotels, B & B’s, Inns, etc (ie any property licensed for transient rental) must comply with specific safety requirements and undergo periodic inspections to insure that they actually comply with those requirements. Random people renting their bedroom to other random people follow only the requirements

As an extremely depressed college student I went to see a doctor to get a prescription for anti-depressants, and the doctor (who I had never met before) proceeded to do the usual new client intact stuff, asked me if I believed in gawd. Blink-blink-blink, “I guess so.” He told me that if I truly believed in and prayed

He’s a recovering addict living in a group home. I’d guess he wouldn't be big on social interaction in strange places, even in an emergency. That behavior sounds about right to me for that situation.

I shared this elsewhere, but it seems appropriate here too...

...and the weeping dog, too. Because the Metairie weeping angel apparently isn’t enough.

Fuck. If I actually felt hungry and thought I could keep it down, I ate it. I think I actively avoided blue cheese just because it seemed like such a flagrantly bad idea (moldy food from other countries), but otherwise the sky was the limit. If anybody ever suggested otherwise, I probably would have eaten them too.

To be fair, I'd guess only the first commenter was an actual customer, the rest were just zombie members of a trollific narco-syndicalist-collective.