
As an only child, I take offense at that! Besides, it's obviously middle child behavior.


Yeah, but I’m sure there’d be a loophole in the rules allowing them to job out the actual fighting to somebody else - maybe wearing a mask of the candidate they’re representing? - so billionaire Trump could just hire Jeffrey Dahmer or Hannibal Lecter or somebody way more ruthless to eat Christie. And then they would

No, it was the Gallier House. Hermann-Grima House is fabulous too, though!

Half Catholic, half Mormon. 100% white.

I think that head is the dictionary definition of the term "pinhead".

I'm clearly on a misunderstanding roll, because I read that as, "The Greek scene at Miami is ridiculous, especially the FARTS..." and thought my head had exploded for a minute. However in that moment equating FRATS = FARTS made perfect sense in my slow motion exploding head.

A MERLE. Named Strider.

OK, I just cackled in the middle of an otherwise silent office. Now I'm snorting. No fair.

This is (mostly) unrelated, but my mind was blown last year to hear Robert Plant talking about the oft-misheard lyrics (see? that’s the connection - incorrect lyrics) to Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, which is about his blue eyed MERLE, as in sheepdog, not his blue eyed GIRL. How stoned have I been my whole life to have

Sorry, Pinkham’s Law is disallowed for cat murdering assholes. (and I’m not even a cat person, just nope)

Top Drawer? If so, they ended up selling all the creepy antique dolls from AHS Coven a few years ago.

Well, I always wondered what happened to Mme LaLaurie's head in AHS Coven. I guess now I know.

Even Cyndi was into the True Colors everyshade of orange!

You’re probably right. In fact I’m sure you’re right, but think how much money would be saved if we ladies stopped: 1) Waxing/plucking/whatever our pussies which then allows our labia full exposure. 2)Discover that our fully exposed labia may not meet with the demanding aesthetic standards set by internet porn,

Seriously. No matter how well prepared, alligator's primarily a delivery system for delicious sauce.

Sorry, I had to illustrate your story...

Lovely. And chills.

Good point.