
I’m sorry, I think this just broke my brain:

I think it's supposed to be just one word. Would you settle for the more succinct Vulgarian?


Ugh. Kinja.

But it's a civil trial, not a criminal trial. There's a lower level of scrutiny, and I'm guessing the end result is a financial payout rather than jail time. Think OJ Simpson: He wasn't convicted in his criminal trial, but he was in the civil trial his wife's family brought.

Seriously. I want Megan Mullally's glasses. And her hair. And her husband. Oh hell, I want everything.

Welp, that’s it. Maybe it’s just the Florida girl in you calling to the Florida girl in me, but I think I love you. Please be kind to me.

I have never been an admirer of the chrome dome, but I've gotta say, those are some dayum fine looking men. Mr. Chestnut in particular. Fine.

This is LITERALLY pricele$$. WOW.

Yup. My daughter got her dad's perfectly flat platypus feet. Good thing she's going to be tall, because I'm guessing stilettos are going to be out.

Ummmm. Hmmm. Ummm. Ahem. I'll be in my bunk.

Yup. I was reprimanded once for not saying hi to my project manager as he passed me in the hall - the day after my best friend committed suicide. In that case, I only smiled but didn't respond.

“the palace finds that both offensive and ridiculous.”

Holy crap. I excused myself forever from grandma’s weekly jarred gefilte fish and borscht by stolidly declining to eat ANYTHING at all until I was given permission to just skip everything until we got to the main course. I cannot imagine being served a sandwich with just the gefilte fish snot! I would have died on the

(and let me tell you, DON'T, whatever you do, do an image search for vomit. trust me.)

OMFG. What IS that thing with the egg in it? Is that a mixed vegetable mold with boiled eggs buried in it? I'm imagining the eggs hiding behind the vegetables wearing capes and masks, rubbing their hands together and waiting to jump out of the mold and scare the shit out of unsuspecting diners. Yikes!


Confession: I got halfway through the comments before I realized this wasn’t about 50 Shades of Grey, et al. They seem so interchangeably stupid that I'm apparently oblivious to the difference.