
I had a friend do exactly this for her birthday a few years ago, and many of us were actually able to exhume some of our old leg-o-mutton dresses from our mothers' attics. It was pretty fabulous.

There's an actual "fast food" chain in Cuba, I think called Quicky or Quicky Food or something. They serve something they politely describe as burgers, but are of EXTREMELY dubious provenance, and a pizza with canned vegetables on it. Like literally cans of succotash with mushy green beans and corn and carrots on top.

Monaghan also used to have one of the largest collections of Frank Lloyd Wright furniture out there. I think he got rid of it after discovering the joys of asceticism, but I went to more than one museum exhibit of his collection. It was disheartening to admire something such an asshole did.

Ironically, my school excursion to Holland (well, it included Holland, we went other places too) included a stop at a Dutch burger place called... Wimpy's I think? It was unmemorable. Sorry. I loved the Rijsttaffle though! And the smoked eels! (I'm from Florida - we're generally culture deprived)

No lie, I ate a giant American style burger at Hard Rock Café in London after traveling in Europe for 3 months, just because. I also ate at Burger King in Belgium so I could say I had a whopper with a beer (and french fries with mayo). Also also my dad ordered a pizza in Greece once and it came with scrambled eggs on

Meh, my 12 year old likes it, and they deliver to my house, so it's a win in my book. It doesn't make her throw up and I don't have to eat it.

Trump’s plan for immortality:

Lack of water you say? Do I have a candidate for you! He’s got charisma coming out his... ahem.

NO. Leave them in place and notify your State Historic Preservation Officer. Get coordinates off your smart phone if you can so they can pinpoint them more easily.

Indeed. A friend's future ex-wife decided on the spur of the moment to take the streetcar to her wedding rather than sit her ass down in the limo waiting outside her door. The St. Charles Streetcar. In her wedding gown. We were all waiting around for the bride to arrive (30 minutes late and counting) when we saw her

Not to excuse her or anything, but I bet she was thinking that bread was being offered as a side... like with eggs? Otherwise I've got nothing.

Yikes. That seems like a real problem ethically. Like a REAL problem. WTF?

Yeah, tell them no thanks, and trim your budget. If you let them do that before you’re even married, you’ll be in for a lifetime of it. My future MIL told me she just wasn’t going to invite two of my future ex-husband’s groomsmen to the rehearsal dinner because she didn’t approve of their lifestyles (one gay, one

They look both crotchless AND butholeless to me. Not judging, just saying.

That fish is OBVIOUSLY a Norman.

Nah, I'm with you. Besides, everything but a tshirt gets tangled up around my legs or somehow ends up around my waist - yes, even pajama bottoms, no I don't know how. Oh well, my dogs don't care how I look.

Have some puppies:

I passed the Dalai Lama in a hall a few years ago, does that mean I'm Buddhist? I'm not sure what my rabbi's going to say about that...

I’m going with disgusting pig. Everybody knows JLaw’s the “fat” actress.

Don’t discount Cali mobsters, Bugsy Seigel got his eyeball shot out in Beverly Hills! There's hope! Of course that WAS 1947....