I had a friend whose dad used to use the local Waffle House as his defacto office from 11AM-2PM daily, specifically because he could get as much coffee as he could drink and they let him smoke.
You forget, it's FLORIDUH.
I..... uh.... I don't think those qualify as slits. I think the long parts in the front and back qualify as "modesty" panels for her overlong shirt.
They need an address. Homeless generally = no address. Don't forget, it's a "Christian" company!
Dude, I had so many MORE people show up to my (now lamented) wedding than had RSVP'd that we ran out of EVERYTHING. I didn't even get any champagne, and the caterer cut up and served the top layer of the wedding cake. The only thing left was a box of petit fours that they forgot to serve. People brought dates, people…
This sucks and all, but I read this as, “endangered-species branch CHEF,” and I thought I was going nuts. I had to read that sentence through twice before it clicked into place that he was the branch CHIEF. Also, don't hit on people you work with. The end.
Also, at a tech conference, why would you interview a tech bigwig about anything other than tech? I mean, OK, warm up with a few we are all humans questions, but then, how about asking questions about the tech stuff everybody's there to talk about?
You know, this all has the vibe of that I Love Lucy episode where she and Ethel wear wine buckets or lampshades or whatever on their heads in order to look like fashionable Parisians. Margiela would have nailed the look entirely except for the makeup and shoes. Good try, guys, maybe next year you can do Leave it to…
I met the Dalai Lama then. Ha! :)
The vibe I’m getting from his statements is more the, “Uh oh the church didn’t do anything while all those nasty Germans were shoving people into ovens, so maybe we’d better say that government employees should act according to conscience! That way it’s their own fault not ours!” Also he’s from Argentina with all…
Wow. Uncanny.
Yeah, that looks like a bunch of branches and leaves stuck up in there. Maybe she was doing some Russian birch twig “massage” and fell... on her head... in the sauna insulation? Hunh.
I'm also a little squicked out about the wording in their titles, "Heath Ledger's Daughter is All Grown Up." No she's not, she's a little kid, just no longer a baby/toddler - it's what happens when you feed kids and let them run around. Also, I get that Heath Ledger's name has the whole tragedy thing going for it, but…
Prediction: If the Batican disavows all knowledge of Pope Frankie meeting with the hateful idiot, her camp will just claim that it’s all due to the top secret nature of the meeting.
I don't know, I had a maltese that managed to hoist herself into my parents' visiting Irish Wolfhound's bowl (it was on a stand so it wasn't at ground level) and stuff herself with his special venison dog food (allergies). I got suspicious when I hadn't seen her for a while and found her lolling in his bowl with her…
A friend’s Irish Wolfhound did this with tomato plants. Took them a while to figure out what the hell was happening to all those allllmooost ripe tomatoes.
My first thought too. I had a friend whose lab ate a concrete block. Not all at once; no he savored it for about a week.