I don’t know why people are self conscious. I like a smelly vagina. It adds character.
I don’t know why people are self conscious. I like a smelly vagina. It adds character.
At least go long kid. Don’t let yer balls hang out.
Right? What an asshole. The Buddha and Jesus only did 40. This guy thinks he’s almost three times better than those losers.
You aren’t going to believe this but they go to a camp out:
Dude. What’s the point of autopilot if you can’t watch porn? Jeez.
Hey have you ever gotten a sex toy stuck deep in your asshole? Now sure sounds like a great time for a piece of bebob-a-Rebop Rhubarb pie.
So they can work on their brand.
Ha, and he comes at the turn of the tide. Finally.
That’s interesting. I’m for single payer because I think people have the right not to have to worry about seeing a doctor. Is that self interest? It seems like a lot of the angry bullshit in the world, when you get cut off in traffic for instance, is mostly the other driver acting out of anxiety or anger. Those…
It’s important, when you’re rich, to not think too hard about the details man. That’s for the blow job wranglers to work out.
Agreed but what flavor? I’ve read chocolate bonds to the same neuroreceptors that cannabis does. Maybe mint? A few chocolate chips won’t hurt though.
It’s all yours baby, run with it.
Right? If I had that kind of money I’d be knee deep in cupcakes and blowjobs right now, trying to figure out how to make weed into iced cream.
Not former enough I guess.
You know why Texas is so obsessed with weapons? They remember when all their heroes were wiped out by the Mexican army at the Alamo. It’s also why they’re so afraid of brown people. That’s what they mean when they say remember the Alamo. Terrible defeats make Americans act weird.
Weird, I would have said choice. He’s not prime, that’s for sure. He’s probably been fed a diet of corn and beer his whole life, and he’s obviously well marbled when it comes to fat, maybe Kobe? I’d say grade A but I’m sure he’s never deserved an A in his life.
Thank you for this. This is such a public service. This is literally the best thing I’ve read in the bathroom in months. (I find when I read about politics in the bathroom I get too wound up to go. Thanks Trump, you’ve found a way to ruin shitting for me.)
I have never understood this. Has there ever been a man standing before a willing woman who said: “No thanks baby, I just can’t get past your nose.”? Men don’t care about the thing you smell with. Hell, we only barely care what you smell like.
How about a little history to calm down. There was an armed revolt against the elite right after the formation of the republic, called the whiskey rebellion. It was all over taxes of course. George Washington, champion of liberty, raised a militia and put them down.
Maybe, but more likely if he can’t produce what he’s promised he’ll be defeated and disgraced. He can’t hide behind obstruction anymore, plus he’s almost 80.