
I’m now in my 50s but in my 30s I was utterly annoyed by almost everyone and everything. The feeling never passed but I kind of grew to accept it. You can take some comfort in the fact that you are in turn utterly annoying everyone around you too. It kind of takes the edge off.

Ha. Every step of parenthood is grosser and grosser. That’s just the appetizer. I kissed my wife’s pregnancy test. That’s not even close to the grossest thing I’ve been involved with and that’s just during pregnancy.

You can and should take a few days off. Whatever happens, happens. The fight will be right here when you get back. We all deserve a rest, especially in the summer and this shit is exhausting. Just don’t forget to come back in November.

Easy now. You can’t blame stupid for following a con man. It’s a tale as old as time.

Ha. Buying a house is like sex. It can be exhausting. It’s almost more fun to watch other people do it.

I do, thanks. I just couldn’t after my elbow surgery and I thought I’d have to dig it out with a spoon. God it was terrible, and that was just one big dose. I’ve always wondered how people who use opiates regularly deal with it. I guess that’s why all the street shooters are so skinny. That’s the only real side affect

How did you kick the habit? (I’m asking for a friend).

Jesus I’m not sure this can be worded delicately so please excuse my question’s rudeness but I have to know: How do you poop?

Wow. I don’t know what that is but I can’t stop watching it. It’s like sugary candy made out of music.  

Now playing

I hate myself for this post. I hate myself for liking Hanson. But click this link. It’s not bad. You may hate yourself too.

Right but the Russians are their friends now. What a bunch of morons

Now playing

Ha Aziz Ansari disagrees and he grew up in racist South Carolina.

That pays off at like 100:1 Good luck. They’d probably cheat you and call it a suicide instead. We’d all know though.

Well if Nixon is any guide (and at this point he’s probably the only guide) Spiro Agnew went down too on separate corruption charges. That’s how we got consensus pick Gerald Ford. I think Pence will be severely hobbled by the scandal and have to submit. Especially around the mid terms.

Good point. He’ll never make 90 though. Hopefully he’ll live long enough to see prison from the inside.  

Ha. I already have a bet with a friend he won’t last to a second term. This is a great bet because there’s so many ways to pay off. Impeachment, resignation, cabinet removes him, coke fueled heart attack, hell Melania could even get fed up with him and murder him. Doesn’t matter, they all pay off.

I’m not making excuses. If you want him to go away your outrage is counter productive. He loves it. He’s been doing it for years. Ridicule, or even better irrelevance is the only cure. Not liking this answer doesn’t make it not so

Racists won’t stop being racists because we aren’t cool with it. I wish it were so. Driving it underground as you say only produces Trumps.

You can’t shout down comedians. They have a microphone. You can’t shame them. They don’t have any. Your reaction guarentees comedians will continue to say it for the same reason they tell rape jokes and 9/11 jokes. Screaming won’t help. Not liking this answer doesn’t make it not so.  

I agree that is awful. If I could find a way to stop that guy from saying it I would, but there’s no cure for racism that he would take, even if I forced it down his throat. People that use that word as a weapon would hate you and want to cause you harm even if they were mute.