
That you are awesome, and you can come sit by me.

Now playing

Honestly, I'm kind of hoping she's there to tear shit up on The Sound of Music.

Ah, yes. The Dial-a-Dick. A necessity for any single girl.

Everyone who wishes Dr. Ruth was their Bubbeleh, raise their hand. /hand up/

Can't prove it by me - I was an unrepentant slut right up until I married, then I was monogamous, now I am whoring my way through the post-divorce years & will continue to do so until I either choose abstinence or have it thrust upon me.

Bingo! Despite how disheartening it is to hear, it's a great weeding out process!

Seriously! You know what has been hardwired (by society)? That women should wait and men should spread their seed everywhere. So even though that dude wants to bone you really badly, the fact that you bucked societal expectations with an enthusiastic HELL YES somehow makes you less attractive/worthy of respect in said

But someone who would respect me less for fucking them on the first date is not someone I want to be dating. Their loss.

"Hetero women most often regret losing their virginity to the wrong partner (ugh), infidelity, and having sex with a new partner too fast"

That's weird. I feel fucking fabulous about being a slut!

oh man! thank you thank you! my shopping for my dad is done now, you're the best!!

You have just done my mother's shopping for my dad and made a middle aged Connecticut man very very happy.

Woah, this is a super cool gift! My father is a commercial fisherman, so you'd think he wouldn't want to spend his free time fishing, too. Not so! They recently moved, and no longer live on a lake, so I wonder how easy it will be for him to fish. Still, this is a really cool idea; I will have to consider it!

Her hair is magnificent. I wish mine did something other than hang.

They can pry my IUD out of my cold, dead uterus.

She got in that truck because she needed to be in that truck to do her job. She got in the truck because she had every right to be in that truck without being sexually harassed.

This take down is tragically misguided. Jesus. Yes, it was supposed to be funny, and also important. Why are you criticizing such a simple commercial for a great organization like the ACLU? WHY? Because you didn't laugh enough? Because you thought they weren't clear enough about communicating what the ACLU does? Fuck.

I think it's a really obvious parody and its meaning is clear. Macklemore may be a privileged white straight male, but he readily acknowledges it and tries to speak out for the opressed as much as he can. Yes, opressed people need to speak up for themselves as well, but Lord, there is nothing wrong with the

Let me live this fantasy.

I just do NOT get the Macklemore hatred. Yes, he is a straight, white man who tries to use his influence to bring about social change. We get it - he is privileged! But, I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of other influential musicians, actors, etc. out there with very similar backgrounds as Macklemore's who are