
Joan Rivers can suck it.

From wikipedia: Mjölnir is usually interpreted as meaning "That which smashes". Yup, that'll do just fine!

I'm glad Lea Michelle got a dog. I got a puppy a few months before my boyfriend died in 2009, and damn, they really do help with the grieving process. Therapy, talking, time, sure, those all definitely help as well. But there's something about an animal that is just always happy and always loving that truly got me

Institute the "You break it, you bought it" and charge the kid(s) with the value of the legos, $25,000, divided between them if more than 1 is to blame. If they are under 18, charge their parents.

Yes, let's blame this all on the women that did nothing wrong (having a sexual encounter with a man is not wrong) and ignore the men that actually insulted people and were racist/sexist to a wide audience of other men. The culture must be related to women deciding to give men blowjobs and not men telling other men

West Point graduate here. Also, a male. All my peers are extremely disappointed at what happened. All of us are extremely frustrated across the Army with the sexual assault crisis. I was privileged to serve as an Infantry Officer, so rarely worked with female service members, and never directly led any. I have

Me, too! It's the highlight for my 17 year old ... the midnight show at Bonnaroo! See you there!

Hey, until they invent a rectal hymen, it doesn't count, sucka!

I grew up evangelical and was totally into Rock for Life. I have a necklace with the fetus playing guitar and even owned one of those "Abortion is Homicide" shirts. I'm not even sure why I was so passionate about abortion but somewhere around 17-18 I quietly stopped wearing the shirt and I only keep the necklace in my

We need to hang out over some brownies or a bowl. We need to take a cue from your dog or we will explode!...

I may seem like a rude little shit in my response to dazednotconfused but this is such a LONG discussion with links that I can't believe there's been no reading and verifyiany store chiming in.

Sounds like an updated version on "bloody mary" Say his name three times and yell "FEMINISM IS MY RELIGION!!!" and he will appear on your doorstep.

But you would sleep with your mother?

Ok, let me read what you actually said...

replying to you, because I don't want to get his responses in the black.

Now playing

You have no idea how happy I am to realize it was just CGI...

Oh yes please.