
I had one Thursday. I don't have any regrets. I can't care for a child right now. One of my friends was particularly judgmental, she has a daughter and doesn't understand why I couldn't do it as well. I don't think I did anything wrong and I refuse to let her make me feel like I did either.

I have always had an attraction to Asian men (I'm white as the driven snow). I live in the south, and girls used to give me shit all the time about it. I don't hear so much about it now, but if I'm at a bar with "those" friends (we all have those friends we love to hate and hate to love) they'll point if an Asian guy

I'm going to be a physician's assistant, so biology with a focus on PA. I feel like if I manage to graduate from med school and not kill anyone or end up institutionalized then dammit, I should get a reward. Anyone can get married, have kids (though not everyone should, obvs), takes long term effort to get

I moved about 2 years ago and got the housewarming party, but I mostly got bottles of wine and gift cards for takeout. Can I have a house re-warming party? I can see the invitations now: My house is freaking cold! Warm it up for me with a new toaster and some command hooks!

Oh trust me, when I finish my masters degree there will be a fucking billboard telling people where I'm registered and what PO Box to send the gifts to. It'll have a giant picture of my ass so those girls that give me shit now for being single can kiss it as they're driving their 14 kids to daycare so they can go pull

I'm a warm weather being...I did NYC for a little while, nice to visit but I wouldn't want to stay.

People don't buy me garish lamps and fancy cheese boards on the weekend. (Unless I'm too drunk to remember and just end up giving it all away, which is a definite possibility)

If I had any single friends, this would work. Unfortunately, I'm the lone sailor on that boat.


I'm currently in my underwear knitting a scarf while watching Breaking Bad, and my dog is rolling a joint or something under the covers.

You know, I've been to 5 baby showers/engagement parties/weddings lately that were people who really didn't want to get married, and didn't really want to have babies, but it's what they're expected to do (or they accidentally got pregnant and in white suburban Georgia a bun in the oven = a ring on the finger). When

I think we live the same life.

I want her to make a massive comeback, a la Robert Downey, Jr. She needs to stay on the straight and narrow for a bit, then get a kick ass role and break out again.

She annoys the hell out of me.

Fuck Gale and Peeta.

Dickless? Or anti-condoms? As a Georgia resident, I can verify that sex ed in (most) schools is a joke, and teen pregnancies are rampant. I saw a girl go into labor with her second child in my sophomore english class because the teen pregnancy centers were all shut down around here due to overcrowding and underfunding.

This seriously explains my dry spell lately. Everyone's dick fell off.

Gahhh this is so much better than mine (I didn't end up marrying this guy, he was psychologically abusive and just crazy). He knew I wanted to get married, and was expecting a proposal, so he took me to Cancun for 8 days. He didn't propose to me for the whole trip, and when we got back I was upset but didn't say

Is he wearing a wig? And that zipper on his jeans is...oddly placed/sized.

This little contraption has saved me from the horrors of porta-potties at numerous music festivals. Stick the tip on a bottle, let it flow, discard said bottle, continue day. You wash it with dish soap and water (and if you use a bottle of water to wash it out, that automatically gives you a bottle to use next time