
I just told this to my seven year old and he said “Unlikely!! You shoot it with a crossbow!” And now I am worried for all the unicorns.

“When I saw that picture, it just made sense to me,” Jones said. “They say you can’t see the picture clearly if you [are] in it, but if I was outside this picture I would have seen the same thing.”

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

Now I don’t know much about Steve King but he appears to be a caricature of conservitism. Now I have read enough Stephen King to know that he is clearly being controlled by a far more cunning and insidious puppet master who I think is really Randall Flagg.


OMG, what a beautiful week at the Supreme Court of Shade, and we even get the rare treat of official recognition from a defendant!

And Macron doesn’t just go towards Angela first, they hold each other in a warm greeting and exchange kisses. Their bond is real, Donald. France and Germany are best friends and YOU CAN’T SIT WITH THEM.

Agreed. I do a large variety cross body satchel thing and place in front of me. When it’s full (which it always is) , it is a nice pillow of protection. Makes hugs awkward and also guarantees no one can get near your bits or do the “double arm rub perv hug.”

I feel funny bringing it up because I know it would hurt him and I’d like to keep the drama to a minimum.

In before the debate even gets started.

**Catalina update**

It was so dense and beautiful, and Aubrey Plaza killed it!

I have fibro and in my pre-car days, good-public-transport days (like 2 months ago) there were times when I was so tired or sore or light-headed or nauseated it would have made a huge difference if I could have sat down. But because I have an invisible disability (or people look at me and assume “lazy fattie”) I never

Fitz was evil in this thing called The Framework which was a really advanced AI program. He’s out of it now but he’s feeling a crazy amount of guilt for his actions in it even though it was just a computer simulation. In The Framework he was raised by his father instead of his mom and was abused both physically and

I am actively trying not to post a fat-phobic comment about this humongous fungus. (Oops.) Because I know that the size of one’s body is not morally significant. No one owes it to themselves or to anyone else to be a certain size, or to be healthy. But the reason that it is so tempting is because of Trump, the

I knew I recognized him from somewhere.

I get you. I also get the impulse to go for the low blow on people that spend all too much time demonstrating how reprehensible they are, however rude and unwarranted.

Well Trump’s cabinet does resemble the Ministry of Magic gone bad.

He DOES look like Dudley’s dad...

Is that Harry Potter’s muggle uncle?