
Is it too early to call it that this dude is going to be this decade’s Hitler? This guy truly scares me simply because the stupid media is giving him coverage. You’d think they’d have learned with Trump. Then again, who knows what the media wants these days. Maybe it’s all about White Power at this point in history.

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

I read that as Count Chocula first and realized, “Shit, he’s probably looked into him, too.”

And Count Dracula for the HHS or Surgeon General.

Next week he’ll announce David Duke for Secretary of State, and the skeleton of Lee Harvey Oswald for Secretary of the Treasury.

Wow, thank you for this.

I’m so happy your gran was able to leave her abusive husband. She sounds awesome and the bit about burning 50 shades had me dying.

Indeed, how are more people not talking about how ludicrous this is? If you look at the pictures of this place it’s clearly a tiny store in a busy urban neighborhood, yet somehow a bunch of idiots believe that when you walk in there are child sex slaves chained to the wall or something??? And that the most powerful

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

Nicely done!

I like Brabantio as Bannon, but I also think that if Brabantio could also be played by the minority vote.

Brabantio (MV) has to watch the hero he came to rely on Othello (Pres. Obama) fall from grace for the sin of high expectations and trusting the system, meanwhile both the legacy of Othello (Obama) and

I really. Really. REALLY. Hate her smug little face. The mooning over Trump - particularly at his victory speech - is just getting over the top and disgusting. I hope he gives her nothing in return for her loyalty and throws her under the proverbial bus as soon as he can.

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.

That sounds too much like strategy. I think he focuses on Bill and Barack because he doesn’t actually see Hillary as a person. Just a vague shape that doesn’t resemble an hourglass, so it is to be ignored.

“She’s playing chess, and he keeps losing at tic tac toe.”. Consider this stolen as of 1 second ago. Thank you.

you forgot my favorite part - “HI GIRLS!”

There is no way he sleeps with women his age.

Hillary needs to come out with an ‘8 Mile’ rap like Eminem’s at the end, where he called out everything that anyone else was going to say about him and then just slayed the competion.

What if Hillz read your post and then came out in a bikini, just to throw him off? “This make it any easier for you, Donald?”

He does pull insults and attacks to,her...but here’s the thing, the thing I think is amazing about the election. Trump,won the primary because he insulted eveyrone in his way, and all those he insulted got angry and hurt, making footage of trump hurting their feelings. The candidates had never been treated that way