That was my favorite part. “Hi girls!”
That was my favorite part. “Hi girls!”
Hee hee tic tac.
“Hey girls!”
Bingo— it’s the telltale M.O. of the career misogynist. Refusing to deal with a woman eye to eye reinforces the message that she’s not being taken seriously, that she doesn’t deserve to be.
THIS one million times. I’d never thought of it this way, but he literally doesn’t know what to do with her. I think in his tiny little pea-brain he thought she was going to wilt, and when this never happened - she was full-on campaigning with pnuemonia - he just didn’t know what to do.
Fun fact: he sings, too. :hearteyes:
I thought I was alone in my Raul infatuation!
I don’t remember who tweeted it, so I apologize for not giving credit, but there was a tweet last night along the lines of...
Can I buy some of your sophisticated spy equipment? Because I’m absolutely convinced that you’re a fly on his wall.
“it’s much more acceptable, when you’re running for office, to claim fear than to express hate.”
All those T. McGuire Spider Man movies SUCKED.
How you know you're a bonafide theater kid: you say DESHTINY at the beginning of One Day More without hesitation because that's how Colm says it on the CD that you played every single afternoon while doing your homework and there is no other way.