
And he works in EDUCATION. Nothing in your phrasing rang the History Bell, there, sir? Nothing??

You'd think while he was consulting god he'd have consulted some Bible principles as well - like the one you quoted, for starters. It's your eye you are supposed to discipline, not the person you are looking at.

You might be interested in the NOVA special about dogs, their abilities to recognize and express emotion, and their abilities to recognize and remember objects, even from photographs in some cases. It was really thought provoking (it's in Hulu).

I heard you in spirit!!

HEY! You're in Texas too??? How did I not know this?

I can't help laughing every time I read these, because every single one of these — EVERY ONE — would be a complete deal breaker for me. Insult me? We're done. Keep touching me when I barely know you? Bye. Grab me and put me in your lap? Yeah, a guy did that to me once. I have never spoken to him again. Weird out of

Huh. So we can't expect men to make any rational decisions in the presence of a female?

I hear that. I get exhausted working in massage, but the time I spent working as a communications manager for this SEO entrepreneur was miserable, and I realized that it was because at the end of the day, my work only served to help him line his pockets and up his profile. I wasnt really HELPING anyone, and I felt

Am I the only one who would find these things annoying in any romantic partner, male or female, and doesn't find these to be very gender-specific? I mean, I know, jerks tend to hang out on Reddit and misogyny thrives, so we criticize that often, but this does not feel like that.

Hear hear. I read this and thought, "So, public physical abuse... Why do we want them to stay married so bad? Do we have a vested interest in stopping divorces that may need to happen?"

It was! :)

Yay for Poe fangirls!

So this hurts the economy how exactly? Let's see... Gay parents are holding jobs, in committed relationships. They are likely combining income and so can afford nicer homes/apartments, even if it is in just one person's name with the other as co-signer. They are planning for children, not having accidental unplanned

So, having looked at her picture, what I'm getting from this is that he was turned on by her, realized from paperwork perhaps that she was 15, got embarrassed and ashamed, and couldn't handle it and so got angry at her for his inability to control his response to her appearance.

I can't remember who said it: "Nothing is so tragic as the death of a beautiful woman."

I dunno... In a sport where manhandling and rough physical contact is expected, why is there the need to sexualize particularly close contact between two male players? Even if its in a hyperbolic or non-literal sense, what is it about two men getting closer combatively than normal that makes commentators turn to

Aww, thanks! :)


Austin doesn't count. We call it the People's Republic of Austin, because all the people who think this state is fucking insane live there. Well, the majority of them. You'd like Austin - it's vibrant and awesome, so don't judge it by the Republican asshats.

THANK YOU. Freedom of religion INCLUDES the right to not have a religion!