
Well, but, now, you see, we are talking about religion. Because no one in Texas DOESN'T celebrate Christmas. Right? So we are protecting Christians from being oppressed by demanding that they have the right to ignore the common courtesy of respect for others' beliefs.

Actually, this is the state where our government refuses to accept funding for Medicare expansion, because it's a "federal handout" and we don't need their help for our unhealthy poor, nosiree. Meanwhile, in the same breath, Rick Perry criticizes the federal government for not sending FEMA aid to West, because these

With a mom who is a breast cancer survivor and a job working in a cancer clinic for low-income women, I have to say — that is one of the best mastectomy jobs I've seen in a while. It's pretty rare that I see a mastectomy that turned out that neatly and with such minimal muscle damage.

I really appreciated that they got Julian Castro and his wife to present him. Felt like that was both a quiet statement, and a notice to these idiots that hey, this is SAN ANTONIO. We have a Latino mayor and he's insanely popular. Our city is probably over half Latino. And you know what? No one even thinks about it.

I am so glad I am not the only one who thought "Hannibal?" FIRST and sexism SECOND. Curse you, fancy cannibal, what have you done to me?

Aw, our manic pixie dream nerd is all grown up and being psychotic.

Well, Frank, my good man, if incidences of pregnancy from rape are rare, the emergence of something worth hearing from your lips is even rarer.

I know, right? I was going to say - this is SAN ANTONIO. Half of us are Latino. All of us would find that kid awesome. Tejano is everywhere here. Spanish is everywhere. Mariachis are for anybody's party, and the Spurs wear Los Spurs jerseys at home games. What about this is weird for anyone? Is this just people who


Chiros are like any other doctors. Some of them suck and can be dangerous, most are average and can do some good, and a few are outstanding.

Nice to know I'm not the only one. It's slightly sickening knowing that pretty much all I will hear about this for days will be victim blaming.

Oddly, I only thought of that after I posted it - but HELLS YES FOR AWESOME LANNISTERS

It really is an eye-opener. I read it in about 2 days and then read about half of it to my husband, and I think it opened his eyes to a few realizations about societal tendencies. It's just a really good read.

Red color scheme, I assume?

You know, after that article on Lindy and now this, just more of the same shit that all comes back to women ruining society for stepping out of their male-determined places, I'm just.. I'm just done. With all of today, I am done. I'm sick of it all, even when they backtrack, even when they say, "Oh, did I say that?


In other words, nothing terrifies society more than women who are having sex because they want to, when they want to, the way they want to. The idea of women having sexual agency is one of the scariest things they can think of. (The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti breaks that idea down into all its parts).

Yup! My parents would have given me a talking to over curse words. But calling my sister dumb? I was doomed and I damn well knew it. And now, I appreciate that so much. You learn as a kid that an argument doesn't have to be a fight, and more importantly, that even if you're furious with each other, family does not put

The sad thing is that stuff like this happens constantly. It's such a ridiculous exercise of pointless posturing.

Is it just me, or did she play Mirri Maz Duur in GOT season 1? The woman who kills Drogo?