
That is basically smash tour. Its pretty not great, but that mostly because the actual board game element is poorly executed and you usually ended up with one or two players having tons of characters and stat boosts while someone else has like 2 characters and an item.

Good luck, I kind of get tired of the gender bs myself and I’m a guy. Funny part is I get crap for maining heals while my wife tanks which we get a lot of crap over on comms with pugs in comp.

I’ve followed Geguri since her UW Artisan days, when she was first accused of aim botting. I was initally upset because we’re both girls around the same age, but then I saw her Zarya play and instantly knew that she was skilled and that I wanted to be like her. I copied her play style with Zarya, and started taking

Now playing

Game Informer posted a video showcasing the web slinging/movement in this game and it immediately reminded me of Sunset Overdrive. It looks like they took the improv movement system from Sunset Overdrive and added web slinging on top of that. It looks fantastic.

Jack Thompson sent me an email last night saying he was going to try to get into this meeting, so no, no he has not.

Maybe a meeting with Molyneux could create an ouroboros of lies so unending we won’t hear from either ever again?

I’ve said it before so I’ll say it again, pick where you order from wisely.

Well as long as we’re talking about things we regret reading, I’ll go ahead and add your comment to the top of the list.

There are those who’ll tell you that Overwatch is at its best when you’re playing your favorite hero, pushing the

Agreed; it’s Serious Sam’s time to shine!

Crippling depression combined with a pathological need to retreat into comfort zone games when I’m feeling down, on top of retail therapy. I’d rather put my thousandth hour into Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4, Minecraft, or UT 2K4 than actually try to engage something new. I was doing good back in 2016. I made goal to finish

I wish he did but with the US system, they’ll probably give him like 5 years. Granted 5 years in prison isn’t a joke but still. He needs the whole bookshelf thrown at him.

I hope he gets life. His actions cost a life.

The little bitch fully believes he’s innocent in all of this. As if he did no wrong.

He doesn’t look nowhere near scared enough. Like I want this shitstick scared full stopped.

I remember doing that for my parents.

Gamercat resonated with me. Every year I want to tell my kids the truth about Santa, but my wife is adamant about continuing the myth. So I go along with it because secretly I too want to keep their innocence. In truth I think my kids already know and they are just preserving our innocence on how we perceived them.

I’m definitely feeling the awkwardness as well. I think what they were going for was humor based in absurdity (the idea of Gone Home having a BR mode is so far out in left field as to beggar belief), but I really don’t think the joke landed—particularly because it’s so awkwardly constructed.

I’ve been a PA fan since

For some reason, Double XP really speaks to me. Also, that Penny Arcade strip, is that awkward? It feels awkward to me.

It’s been at EVO for 3 years running, and there have been articles about it. On this site. I don’t know why it’s surprising to so many people, but yes. Every game that has a versus mode will have some modicum of a rabid competitive following behind it.