
Are you asking where the concept of being held to a higher standard originated?

I am. Some people are that awkward and analytical.

wow dude brag much

I can’t wait to see what kind of PS4 exclusive bullshit they pull this time around.

The GameCube controller is the most efficient and intuitive controller created for mainstream consoles.

The weird disconnect of our soldiers being heroes for fighting and killing nazis en masse, but depicting the killing of fictional science fiction Nazis being “wrong” is all too bizarre.

She got desperate enough to try it with a fan group a while ago, but nintendo found her and stopped the project. They’re like a jealous ex-boyfriend.

God I hate people... Full-stop... No further qualifying that statement. Just... Fuck humanity.

The Academy *hates* anime? They gave an Oscar to “Spirited Away” and nominated “Howl’s Moving Castle”, “The Wind Rises” and “When Marnie Was There”.

If it makes you feel better the best films of the year pretty much never win best picture, if they’re foreign films they are rarely even nominated. The Oscars are more about Hollywood making itself feel important than rewarding talent.

there are so cool unknown-to-public cartoons in the comment section! thanks, pals!

It may sound sad or cynical, but the majority of people prefer rehashed, smoothed out, processed ideas and easy to grasp products over original work that requires thought. True gems like “The Secret of Kells” or “Song of the Sea” are barely noticed, while stuff like Zootopia is hyped as “the best thing ever” (yeah,

You could fly to Moscow, book a penthouse suite at the Ritz Carlton and hire hookers to pee on you. I don’t know how much that costs, but it’s probably not cheap...

You must have a seriously limited imagination. It’s actually super easy to spend a virtually infinite amount of money. When you can buy a luxury submarine for $750 million, you are well on your way to bankrupting yourself from a paltry $4 Billion.

Part of the reason these people are billionaires is that they don’t have that kind of imagination either

Now playing

I thought Jim Sterling was kidding when he said that Switch games were only free for a month before your access to the game is revoked:

Isn’t this exactly the kind of uncontextualised PR fluff Kotaku usually doesn’t want to post?

Yes. People did. That’s why the Kickstarter made over $70,000 and funded a second game.

Yep. It was an awesome, absurd thing. A lot of fun speculating about the sequel, too. I’m actually a little disappointed that the hunt for FF2 is over.  

The venn diagram between 50+ year-old Japanese businessmen, people on twitter, and people who don’t take themselves too seriously is 3 circles loosely held together by this one guy.