How important it is to let people be who they are with no attachments. In my group our three female buds are DPS mains so when we group up to rank, it’s the guys tanking an healing.
How important it is to let people be who they are with no attachments. In my group our three female buds are DPS mains so when we group up to rank, it’s the guys tanking an healing.
I would love to know what he says on that email but that probably won’t happen.
I love cute stuff with a horror twist (BIG Madoka fan here) and... it was not what I expected at all.
The game is free to play, tho.
As someone who never had a competitive nerve to classic genres like fighters or shooters, Binding of Isaac’s competitive seen drewme in and I’m very curious to try this on PS4 and see if I can get something going with my close circle of puzzle-games loving friends.
I think people are overreacting. When I read the quote in question, coming from a CDPR head honcho, the first thing I thought was “Oh! It’s probably gonna be like Dark Souls’ invocation/invation system.”
Enjoy it while you can. The winter event (along with articles about the new skins, new special activities and what the community is doig with them and complaining about it) is coming up next tuesday.
Jumping quick to the comments to point out that Brie’s piece on how games are boring for non-gamers is one of the most insightful and interesting reads I’ve had on a while.
A Gunpoint comparison is all I needed to be convinced!
Damned is a lot of fun even if it’s dated!!
Look up DAMNED on Steam. Came out two years ago. It’s the first time I ever saw and played of these type (4 survivors trying to escape vs 1 monster).
I think you meant where Nintendo intended them to be. Credit where is due, my man.
I think part of its charm is that it looks so random but I like to see it as a "coming of age" series. And it can seem as confusing as growing up is.
But I fully agree that it can pass as a "just random shit" anime and that's kind of awesome on its own. Even the first time I saw it I though the "poorly done" plot…
So I guess you'll make me ask the name of the animu, right?
Sans for the cuadriculated style, it actually looks very GTA-ish to me.
Seems like it'll be a reboot. Let's see how that pans out. I liked the original story.
Righty-O. Thanks for the background info, it's been a while since I played ME. Really appreciate it.
Is that so? Oh, I missed that bit. If that's the case she looks early twent-ish or even 17-19 so I guess between 5 and 10 years younger?