
Can anyone make out what does the postcard says?

Did someone else noticed this pic on the fridge? There was also this poem:

Look at the physics (or whatever) of the mud!!

Holy crap. Imagine what this engine would do for rally sims. It would be magic and beautiful... beautimagicful.

You, sir, have great taste in pocket monsters!

In the manga (which is considered the canonest canon among hardcore fans and not that dumb anime), her name's Crystal. I think that's actually her default name when choosing a girl on the Pokemon Crystal Version.

Yup, that's what I thought when the MCs for for FR and LG were showed. But since the non-official official manga and the community calls her that way, I guess that sort of makes it official.

Kind of sucks because Blue is a pretty name for a girl. Green not so much.

Whoa! I jumped on it too fast and didn't even read your comment right.

My apologies, buddy. I fully agree with your comment. Red's a badass.

As far as the manga goes, He's Gold. Silver being your redhead rival.

What if he's Red's son?

I see what you did there.jpg

Friendzoned by who? His rival's sister pretty much throwed her panties at him. Dude was a badass.

Unless you're confusing him with whiny ash. Then I'll have you know this is mofo Red we're talking about.

Green beats the crap out of any other pokegirl. She's the perfect balance between pretty, elegant and "Stick that metapod up your ass".

Ya all moe f*gs don't know sh—

I mean... That's like, my opinion, y'know?

I see you usually don't get the reference from a lot of the comics. I guess you don't play that many games?

Anyway, in the Virtual Shackles strip the dude misses WoW, right? Read again how the girl refers to the haunted house "Follow the same route with the same monsters who all show up at the same time"


Get it?

That might be. I don't think I'm precisely a fan of british humor but I do enjoy it. Rgearding the book I did find the humor a bit silly at times. And I didn't really realize how much I was enjoying the books until Life, The Universe and Everything when realized I had come to care for the characters. Then there's the

Today is also Towel Day. I feel like no one is actually mentioning this. Don't leave your house without your goddamn towel, people.

Some ex-Free Radical guys are combining Lemmings with Minesweeper. The twist? It's worthy of a news post on Kotaku

Sounds good all around!

  • Survey Question One: If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as 2 months.

I want to believe you're being sarcastic. But in case you're not...

A game has to make more money than it was invested in it. I know that, it's not rocket science. And that's exactly my point. There are games that thrive making a profit with a lot less investment. And that means big publishers are managing that wrong.

Bullshit. The way games are developed is unsustainable because publishers want every game to be bigger than the last one. They spent millions in game developing and get surprised when such game didn't sell 2 million copies more than it's predecessor. Their sales expectations are way beyond reality and yet they still