
Read like the first 3 chapters and got distracted with other stuff. Since I just catched up Sankarea, I think I'll read what's out of Deadman Wonderland so far. It looked promising when it first came out.

BTW is the anime worth the time?

'sup, lil Xbox logo? Did every one left you here in the corner all alone? Are you lonely? You gonna cry, huh? Is that it? Don't be a crybaby, Xbox logo.

Doh ho ho.

You know what I mean. Lots of games from every genre. And I mean like a whole damn lot. One of my closest friends is into arcadey flight combat simulators and he seems to be playing a new one every two weeks. I'm more into tense 2D plataformers/adventure games, racing games and first person horror and boy do

Holy shit, Condemned was an Xbox 360 launch title? I was replaying it (on PC) a week ago and it looked very darn good.

It's aged well, that one.

Back when I was a console gamer I'd always sell my previous console to buy a different one. That way I played every console for half a generation.

To this day, my Gamecube is the only console I regret selling. And I sold it wih TimeSplitters 3 + Def Jam: FfNY and now I can't find a goddamn copy of those games in my

You won't be disappointed, bro.

PC is the only "console" that still feels like it's aimed at the old schooler and long-time gamer. No multimedia or social bullshit. At least not intrusive one.

Magicka is brutally amazing at splitscreen. One friend with kb+m and two with 360 controllers? Done! A third friend wants to join the match from his home? Done!

Hell, we've played like this:

My PC with 2 keyboards and a 360 controller
A friend on his laptop joining the match through LAN

Magicka is probably the best MP

Magicka, Castle Crashers, Blur, Tekken X Street Fighter, Dirt 2 and 3, Dustforce, NBA 2k12, Shank 1 & 2, Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing Transformed, Trials, Trials HD and Trine 1 & 2.

And those are just the split-screen ones I own and are actually fun to play with friends. Plus some old-school games like Star Wars

That's disapointing. I didn't know that.

Ehh... I guess if someone can pull an eery F2P game where the MP doesn't kill the atmosphere, it may as well be this guys.

That reminded me how Cevat Yerli said if there's a Time Splitters 4, it will be a F2P MP-only afair.

Great. Now I'm depressed.

Yes and no. GSC Game World (the STALKER devs) no longer exist as such, but most of the team went on to create Vostok Games, which tried to regain the rights of the STALKER ip unsuccesfully.

The good news is they're working on a new ip, Survarium, which seems very similar in vibe to their previous work. They just

"Shhhh. It's struggle cuddle time"

The beautifulest fantasy :'D

I just asumed there was a slope somewhere ahead. You know, since the T-Rex doesn't appear EXACTLY where the car fell.

Or so I thought.

Either way I fucking loved that movie and ever since then Jeff Goldblum appears to be made out of gold and does bloom. To my eyes, y'know?


I don't think Kotaku is gonna run a "Best temples in games" since it would be too similar to this. And thus, it deserves at least honorific mention!

As in many games, what made it great was how ti made you feel. It's full of mystery and there were all this rumors about climbing all the way to the top and finding a final colossi or a different ending. To this day it's the stuff of legends. At least to me (and I bet to a few others).



You can't criticize my favorite movie ever. Go away. It's perfect.

It's perfect .___.

No Shadow of the Colossus? How dare you!

It's like I didn't close my /adv/ice tab last night.

I don't see the point of this, but I'm also thinking: "Why not?" Perhaps it gets interesting.

"but I think he is starting to grow out of that phase"

So who was that brand new pokemon with amazing powers?! I must know!! I mean, it sorta looked like a cyborg Electabuzz.