
while i do agree with her, if you have a blacklight handy you'll find a glowing message on her mouth:

oh hell no! stab it, burn it, & salt the remains!

I knew something wasn't right w/ the Toads.

first, a pair of PS2s love each other very much...

we dropped some nukes on them, the radiation of the bombs lingered in the water supply & warped their DNA into finding things like sea-beasts from the 5th dimension raping giggling tweens with their tentacles to be sexually stimulating. i think we can let japan have this. on the grudge-scale they could be a lot higher.

why you divorce me, julia roberts?

Troy Baker needs to bronze his agent. No matter how you cut it he wins best actor.

Vince Vaughn helps fund this heap of mental dingleberries. If you paid to see The Internship in the theater you helped put shiny plastic on his Desert Commander Of The SS uniform.

It would have rocked some bewbs if they had simply stuck to the script of Silent Hill 3, but they added too much nonsense that veered from the actual story (that they had watered down)

Dear Pethouse. I never thought it would happen to me...

I pass this once a week.

Must John Oliver take over everything?

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somebody needs to lock Gohmert in a room with a projector for an afternoon. Maybe he'll finally begin to understand the changes he's going through.

Don't stand too close to The Cowardly Bloater.

is joel me?

It was awful, but it had a certain charm that kept you from smashing the cart with a brick. + the soundtrack was hypnotic.

Country roads took me straight into a nest of clickers. My West Virginia Mountain Mama has a fucking shroom growing out of her face.

Excellent game. Speaking of Broderbund, I'll just remind everyone of this addictive oddity...

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why do i get the idea that "mandi bynaj" watches this like 1,200 times every morning?