If you wanted to be accurate this game should be called The Last Of The Seavers.
If you wanted to be accurate this game should be called The Last Of The Seavers.
Have you met my other sons... Q-Burke, Asteroy, & Patfall?
Is it just me or does that forehead look uberburned?
...& The Monarch went Dothraki & Gary (The Henchman Formerly Known As #21) spoke the truth.
Drake's Canadian, his real name is Aubrey Graham, & his street cred comes from getting shot on Degrassi...
it is a welcoming thought... he is just... yehhh.
I hope Jason Momoa pours a pot of melted gold over his head.
I call BS on this since her kids are both foster children.
In that pic Roseanne looks like she's prepared to give Prince consensual handies...
It wasn't even a game. There was NO purpose to it, aside from collecting circuitry, getting neck-boners, & falling in holes. Looking back, how prophetic.
Cristina: Hey, I remember last time I was in here. Nostalgia.
my HPV is totally related to your HPV.
Is Cristina dating her mom?!!
it also means "you should mate with me since _________"
If ID Discovery has taught us anything, it is the people that describe themselves as "humble, simple, & easy to understand" that you really need to watch out for.
Men declaring themselves "simple & easy to understand" is only a get-out-of-jail card for their questionable behavior. Being a man myself, I know that that train of thought only exists to excuse the inexcusable. Boys will be boys. That bullshit.