
It really is a step beyond where Martin usually ventures with fantasy, but he has dropped numerous hints pointing in this direction. I think the age of magic & dragons will pass away with Dany, Jon, & R'hllor... & that Tyrion's rule will usher in an age of reason, but be one that keeps a record of the old ways. I

Here's how I see it playing out:

Just watch it & you'll see what I mean. It's mainly on Miller though.

He is. He manages to do his thing & do it well, given the excellent dynamic between Johnny Lee Miller & Lucy Liu. While Cumberbatch & Freeman are excellent actors, Miller & Liu are the better Holmes & Watson.

Aidan Quinn found the perfect niche recently, playing Gregson on Elementary. It's a nice fit & he makes his 3rd Banana status something bigger than it really is. I'm sure another seasoned actor could swing it easily, but he adds a certain cerebral dudeness to the character. I have almost forgiven him for Book Of

If they want to do a sequel that fans of the original would have kittens over they should have Dante & Kat would make a path across the world (London, Athens, Siberia, etc) & through Limbo to Mallet island where Vergil has unearthed an artifact that he believes will resurrect Sparda, but Dante keeps having visions

This post be pregnant with spoilers:

Terminal Bon Jovis

Would these girls ever show up with these banners at the hospital when a woman is informed by her doctor that her cancer is weakened? Would they ever show up with those banners at a home where somebody offered a bed to a homeless person down on their luck? Would they ever show up during a fight between two people

It is Link's slow cousin named Lenk. Fillion didn't have to murder the boy. He could've distracted him with chickens.

By wolging before humans Peaches just endangered the entire Wesen community.

you get to dress up AND make fun of people who are starving/freezing to death. Bonus: they get to make a political statement about how little children crying from starvation pains makes their nipples hard.