Machine & Voice

the way he is sitting in his chair is like how i sit in a chair when i’m really drunk and watching my football team lose

He didn’t lose them, his dog ate them.

Kevin Johnson would get absolutley murdered in the primary by Gavin Newsom, or Antonio Villaraigosa, or any number of bored Democratic congresspersons. The only real risk of him winning is if ol’ Gavin can’t clear the Democratic field enough and Johnson sneaks past like four other Democrats with strategic Republican

I am terrified at the prospect of this guy running for governor in 2018, not least because the list of sane Republicans is...short. The most likely GOP candidate, Devin Nunes, is controlled by Central Valley agribusiness interests who think that every drop of water that doesn’t get sucked out of the Delta and sent to

So your main concern is that the source material has shaky and arguably illogical reasons for the characters to behave the way the do.

Hott Taeks on sale this weekend. Buy one get a quadrillion for free. Only on the Internet.

It’s actually Aristophanes, he put it in a play to purposefully make fun of how the older generation sounds when they complain about children in ~425 BC or so.

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company,

Hahaha, the bit with the dog :D

I completely disagree on it fitting the “Crime”.

Barber: What kind of look are you going for, bud?

He laughed and looked back at us and said “Can’t waste a good beer” while peeling the dead insect from his empty cup and tossing it onto the aisle steps beside him.

Hells yes. THIS.
The influx from the bay area, and rent bidding practices, have already arrived. The arena is going to make every game day, concert, and event at the Arena a living HELL for the Midtown residents. The City doesn’t have the infrastructure to support public transportation to/from the arena...not that the

Ive lived in Midtown for over 20 years and couldnt agree with you more. I work a block from the new arena but I moved to an apartment in the very southeast corner of the grid, to be as far away from the arena as possible while still in midtown. Fuck the Kings & fuck the arena. But dont fuck KJ cuz apparently he likes

Fellow denizen, you have perfectly expressed the general sentiment. Right. There. With. You. I recently moved out of Mansion Flats ahead of getting priced out - I wanted to move on my own terms while there were still parts of the central city that hadn’t yet been inflated in price and I am bitter about it. Fuck that

If you knew my mayor
You’d know that he’s so strong.

If we are talking about the US (since I’m not familiar with Irish laws), sexuality is protected class, like race or gender, that is expressly protected against discrimination. Being a member of a hate group like the KKK is not a protected class. It’s not about what is put on the cake that’s at issue, it’s about who is

And then there’s all the cool things our slaves built: