Machine & Voice

I’m voting for the candidate whose ideologies most closely align with my own, in the hopes that a strong showing will be a message to future candidates that there is value in supporting true liberal policies.

I want to make a post about Bothans because I’m amused at how many people are going through the comments about this trailer to make sure everyone knows that the Bothans were the second Death Star.

Vlade liked this comment so much he tipped it to Robert Horry at the 3-Pt line with 4 seconds left.

yeah it’s just a bunch of fake moves, and then the Stunner, which is real. i don’t get it either


It’s like Alien vs. Predator but Legionnaire’s vs. Gonnorhea.


hrmmmm.... that’d be hilarious and amazing!

Technically speaking, “Blancoté” is a calque, not a portmanteau. But well done anyways.

Blancoté isn’t a real French word, but “blanc” and “cote” translate to “white” and “side,” as in Heat center Hassan Whiteside

Definitely aliens.

Nah, if it was Artoo, I could buy that he was flipping the bird, but BB-8 seems a touch less truculant and a bit more eager to please.

I think Snakes on a Plane is a great movie. It delivered on it’s name and premise.

Half-Life 3 is, for many fans, like that relationship that you know is never going to work out, but every time your ex calls, your heart still skips six beats.

Being a happily married man these days, I believe that reaction has been permanently removed from my physiology. ;)

Did you have a problem with Vader killing the Emperor? Because that would have made little sense without this scene.

It would have been better if there had been hints dropped earlier. But that might have required having Vader on-screen more, which would have lessened the impact when he did show up.