
If GTA police were smart that would be very unrealistic.

They’ll probably all be impeached long before they could get an investigation going into Gizmodo, and if not they will be too busy with WWIII.

I hope those KKK coal whiners suffer for what they did to the rest of the country, long and hard. No pity left for these folks.

Well Fuck you Michigan morons, that’s what happens when you vote for Trump.

They look great, you Standless weiners just can’t see them.


Holy shit this girl is brilliant.

Is he just going to go for the gold and call it the prostitution service it actually is?

she even got the firekeepers weird crook in the arm right. That’s some attention to detail.

I’m betting it is an April fools joke, and not the actual episode.


Having played all of these to the end, I have to say that Bloodborne was the Magnum opus of the souls style games, going from blood borne to dark souls 3 really felt like a step backwards.

I think it sounds interesting, but there is no way in hell I will bother with bad controls. Vague and confusing sounds great, but bad controls is deal breaker.

Guess “both sides” aren’t the same after all.

I’ve never seen so much orange and blue. There are other colors, Snyder.

Oh for chrissakes, is wanky “dual wielding” actually a thing in this game?

Other gawping douchebags.

It is a lot of effort to read that text.

Well damn, I was going to buy one but now that I know they taste bad I am not so sure anymore.

Turns out both sides aren’t the same.