
Little Nicky wants her to apologize to him personally so he can ride that to fame and become a real journalist.

You still griping about this? Even your buddy Trump has gotten over it by now.

It’s all just money laundering.

I just knew the “but both sides!” argument would be up on splinter soon.

They just won’t pay them. No one can make them.

I finished this game twice and loved it both times. I usually get through a game once and then forget about it. Just a great story, characters, and wild monster design. I especially loved the green titan early on with the hollow chest.

They can’t do any of those things, they are toothless and Trump’s people know it.

Seems like we get a new accusation about Avenatti every month or so then the accusations just never pan out or even have the supposed victim entirely wrong.

I play mostly souls and zelda, but this looks like the game I wanted but never knew I wanted. Mind blowing.

You can make it even easier by using RPGs that have Rock-Paper-Scissors resolution (no dice!) and little record-keeping, such as Clown Helsing:

They probably should have voted against him, in retrospect.

What an obsession over nothing happening. Gotta feed the manufactured outrage clickbait mill I guess.

Attention whores will do anything for attention. News at 11 (literally).

You should apologize on this site for being dumb enough to get chumped by TMZ/Wohl.

Another backstabbing hitpiece by libby. What a shocker.

Looks like Trump is finally getting the obstacles to war out of his way.

Looks like Trump is finally getting the obstacles to war out of his way.

Libby Watson articles are straight up RT facebook propaganda.

Between the execrably smug “Libby Watson” and “Nick Martin” backstabbers, the Splinter is becoming no better than RT or Breitbart.

This is some woefully transparent backpedaling. :D