
Finally, we are free of PLEX’s horrible interface.

Yeah, I prefer PS4 but this is a huge slap in the face to Sony’s lame excuses about backwards compatibility.

Linkle obviously means that she is the daughter of Link and Tingle. Canon.

“How the idle rich cling to their childhood”

Inbred southerners

That’s discriminating against cis-smile genderflorp bi-cumquat fobblenorpf. How dare you. My triggers!

Ha. Really though, it is easy to think of Link as a sort of light-hearted fantasy cypher but he’s really been through a series of messed up and identity shattering events. No wonder he’s mute.

Yep, wouldn't surprise me one bit. I have always waited until after Zelda to buy a nintendo console and I am skipping the wii U until it does.

So he gets in trouble and his daddy figure saves him and takes care of it for him.

It's a break from writing comics whose third panel punchline is always dicks.

It's ok, they explain it in the link for those who aren't familiar with the game.

I think it's Mr. Maxi pad

This sounds like a *GREAT* idea for a game though.

You can get a lot of free publicity and sympathy by feeding trolls. It's a real career kickstarter nowadays.

I was a devout dark souls I player, but the parry animation in dark souls 2 was a deal breaker.

I ate too much cheesecake and now I am full and don't want to eat any more. There must be something wrong with this cheesecake.

Seriously, I play games to escape, not simulate my life.

before: some crying when appropriate

I thought the ending was sweet. I was sure something was going on for real at the blushing scene a few episodes back.

Wait, that part of it actually happens? I'm starting to consider this game now.