I don’t believe Kevin Hart is evolved or evolving. I believe he feels the same way today as he did then.
I don’t believe Kevin Hart is evolved or evolving. I believe he feels the same way today as he did then.
THANK YOU! He was asked to apologize, refused, quit, and then apologized. WTF?
If I knew a dude who made those jokes, especially in relation to their kid, I’d leave their place thinking, man that guy sure hates gay people. And then if I was like, hey you should apologize, and he said no, I’d think, well, he sure hates gay people. He really, really does.
Opinions like this is the reason VSB called “straight Black men” the “white people of Black people.”
Dude, this makes me sad. I was reading people’s Twitter takes on Kevin Hart this morning. The most liked and re-tweeted were homophobic trash that affirms the violence of those earlier tweets. You are feeding this ongoing sense that he is the true victim. Why are you connecting a just cause to help someone who helps…
It’s just the same old “you should never apologize to SJWs because it’s never enough”. This is a cry we keep seeing whenever something like this happens. Crappy people aren’t happy that there are consequences for saying crappy things now and they think “sorry if you were offended” should be good enough.
I don’t like Kevin Hart. He isn’t funny to me. But the reason I don’t like him is because he is arrogant as hell. He doesn’t like being called on his bullshit. Every time this mini man does something stupid and gets caught/called out he becomes indignant and even more arrogant. This is not a man of good character. He…
Yeah, I missed the part where Kevin Hart dedicated some of his riches towards helping homeless LGBT youth. Must have been asleep that day
Ironic that he credits his rise to Social Media presence and that’s the thing that cost him the biggest, high-profile gig he’s ever gotten?!
Because the author refuses to admit that Kevin Hart is a homophobe.
This is the hill you want to die on?
I remember over a year ago the subject of this very “joke” came up and Hart double downed on the fact that he wasn’t sorry for it. So, I’m just wondering when/where I missed that he apologized multiple times and can’t apologize more which Hart and this article claim.
Kevin Hart isn’t sorry, and he’s never really apologized because he’s a fucking homophobe. Non-apologies aren’t apologies. Non-apologies followed up later by more homophobic statements aren’t apologies. Refusing to apologize until you have a gun held to your head aren’t apologies.
He hasn’t repeatedly repented, in fact he specifically refused to apologize and compared himself to MLK. This whole article/take is frankly deranged.
I feel like people scream, ‘Just give us an actual apology,’ and no one listens.
Non-apology, “Sorry this hurt people. I just want to spread love.”
Apology, “I understand why this hurt people since it played off toxic masculinity culture, the feeling that gay men aren’t real men, and I’ve learned from it. I’d never…
Wow this is a bad take. This isn’t a couple of tweets from when he was a kid, or even as an early comedian trying to push his limits and be edgy. It’s how he has consistently thought, acted and WON HIS FAME/SUCCESS as an adult in his thirties. Moreover, he’s continuing to be “held accountable” because he literally…
Can we just hire Key & Peele to host and get this over with already?
I tell you what you know when the expiration date on Kevin hart’s mea culpa should run out? When the expiration date runs out on Mel Gibson, Mark Wahlberg, Sean Penn, Michael Fassebender and other white men that have been allowed to abuse women and say ugly shit and never be held accountable. Oh Charlie Sheen I ain’t…
Not understanding how K Hart’s past tweet issue, reflects on black people’s accountability. The Florida restored voting rights against Hart’s tweets? That is a real stretch
You have opened up a can of worms. That said, it is a conversation that our entire society needs to have.