
She’s already jumping over the cell phone and going for her gun. That’s how scared she made herself I guess.

Yes. She’s a right-wing Pick Me, hoping that if she shakes her ass hard enough that some nice right-wing sugar daddy will turn her into the next Megan McArdle or Ann Coulter.

She’s a conservative. She’d probably love to sacrifice her vote to fuck over “the uppity women”.

*deep breath*

To her I say:

Keep that same energy when your spot gets taken because you wanted to cut your nose off to spite your fake feminist face.

White men hate y’all. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be coming up on less than a century of being able to vote and earn a wage.

Continue to punch down. That winning strategy got us Donald

The reaction to this was so so good though.

movie - she saves child from monsters

The morning after he died, before I’d heard the news, I got into my car and the local radio was playing Purple Rain. The song ended, and the DJ was just sobbing. That’s when I was like “fuck, today is going to be awful.”

Stuff like this makes me weep. I miss him terribly.

God, I know. Invoking his wife and children—as if, once a child rapist embraces a mainstream family life, his past crimes are magically nullified? And what kind of “interesting” conversation is she imagining there, between the child rapist and his progeny? “Dad, did you drug and rape a 13 year old?” “Well, yes.” T

White lady who should know better has disappointing opinions. News at eleven. 

...he has two children. I’m sure that he and the children have had some interesting conversations about it.”

Another factor which is really infuriating is the issue of class, for want of a better descriptor. If he had been a school janitor or tax consultant there is no way these celebrities would be so equivocal about what happened and about him as a person. They do not have the courage to admit that it is his professional

LOL. That is not what happened. He fled the US because he didn’t get the sentence he wanted, and now everyone is bending over backwards to excuse him by saying that the “victim is over it,” which isn’t even true either. Read and research before you spew nonsensical rumors.

People who put actors on pedestals get the disappointment they deserve.

Just because Samantha Geimer wasn’t traumatized doesn’t mean we ignore this shit. Other 13 year olds ARE traumatized. And she wasn’t the only underage girl Polanski abused. Nastassja Kinski was as well - and she was abused by other movie executives. She admits to being traumatized by it as an adult and says she

I feel like a lot of Polanski’s defenders are equating what he did with, say, a star having consensual sex with an underage groupie.

Get away from him, you bitch!


This reminds me of a SNL sketch wherte Kate Mckinnon plays an old school hollywood actress and tells, almost jokingly, the horrible stuff they made her do for the slightest of roles in the industry, while everyone else just stares, horrified